Part 2

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Chapter 2- The Pampered Princess!

In today's time, it is hard to imagine that for a significant time in history, Westeros was considered the land of barbarians. Yes, up to around 300 years after Aegon's conquest, Westeros was still behind the likes of Yi-Ti and Bravos.

Though that gap would be erased by the end of the third century, with Westeros leaping ahead of the rest of the world by the 350th year, such advancements can all be traced back to the Imperial Citadel. The Imperial Citadel would truly rise to its prominent status in the reign of King Aegon VI. King Aerys II had built the foundation for it.

The Old Building of The Imperial Citadel, often called the Dragon College, remains preserved today and is a famous tourist attraction. The proceeds from it fund the education of thousands of deserving students throughout the globe even today, because of a decree of the late King Aenys VI.


Kings Landing had changed a lot over the years. Over the years, she had seen such change occur with her own eyes as portions of the city had been under construction for over twenty years. Over almost thirty years of his reign, her father had utterly transformed the city that represented Targaryen's rule.

Gone was the infamous stench that made a living in the city unbearable. With her father rebuilding the sewage system. However, that had not been enough. Flea Bottom had to be demolished, and its residents had been relocated to one of the expansions outside the walls. To accommodate its population of half a million people, the city had been expanded outside the main walls, with a new set of walls built around what was now called the Outer City.

Most of the work had been done. But that did not mean there wasn't work being done. She looked to the side and saw the construction taking place to her North. The colossal building getting built was for the Imperial Citadel. Another one of her father's ideas. And she shook her head at that. Perhaps he should really take a break from all this.

More than thirty years of prosperous and peaceful rule. He was now regarded as one of the most influential Kings of the Targaryen dynasty. Such progress and consistency had only ever been seen during the reign of the Conciliator. Many often compared her father to the Old King to lay down praise. Not noticing the stiff smile that would appear on his face on that.

Her father was not a big fan of the comparison, for he had a rather unflattering opinion of the Old King. Calling him the root of the tragedy that was known as the Dance of the Dragons. A tragedy that would end with their house losing its greatest strength.


"Princess, you do know that I will have to tell your father about this outing of yours," came the voice of her sworn shield. A member of her father's Kingsguard. The Lord Commander would usually be by the King's side, yet her father named the White Bull her sworn shield on her first name day.

And the man had been by her side ever since. Ser Gerold Hightower, the White Bull, one of the finest and fiercest knights of the Kingsguard.

"Father will be slightly disappointed but will not mind it too much. And I cannot miss my chance with the upcoming tourney," she replied as they slowly waded through the throngs of people. Even with the expansion, the city was filled with people. She could not even imagine how crowded it would be when the announcement of the tourney would be made.

"What are you planning, Princess? Your father may be lenient on you, but I could always go and talk to your mother as well," and she groaned at those words. And then she turned to face the elderly knight, giving him a slight glare.

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