Chapter 27

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"WHAT HAPPENED?" ART'S VOICE quivered. "I'll be driving back soon. Is there anything you want me to bring home for you guys?."

"Arty, Arty! If you could only get my brain, you'd be perfect!" Avery laughed aloud. "We need to talk when you get back."

"Are you sure Shells and the baby are okay?" Art's loud sigh followed. 

"Ave has nothing to do but torment us both." I hoped to sound funny, but my voice cracked. For some reason, my tears had a mind and went for the never-ending stream.  Avery cradled me in her arms, "Just get home, lover boy!" and she ended the call.

"I'm good, Ave. It's just freaking hormones, you know." I pulled away from her arms as I wiped my tears. "I hope the baby doesn't get my emotional streak."

Avery nodded as she placed strands of my hair behind my ears. "I didn't mean to upset you. I'm sorry. But you know Art, he isn't expressive. Since we were kids, he always needed our pushing."

I nodded. "I know. I knew you mean well. I don't want Art doing something just because someone forced him to."

Avery shook her head. "I was out of line. I'm sorry." I held her hand and looked into her eyes. "Promise me you won't tell him anything about our talk today. Please, Ave." She placed her fingers in her mouth in a zipping motion and made a cross sign above her heart.

A sigh of relief came from me. I knew my best friend would follow her promise. But the uncertainty of my and Art's relationship was still in limbo. Like I told Avery, I wouldn't push things. I wanted it to come from Art. It was knowing if and when he will is the big question.


Days turned into weeks, and slowly, my fear of Avery lashing out at the marriage talk to Art dissipated. My best friend kept her promise. Though there were times she tried to open up the topic with her Hollywood gossip, she never directly discussed our conversation.

When Art's third month of internship approached, my pregnancy reached my final month. It made me happy knowing he would be present when I gave birth. Having him beside me made me less worried. On top of that, all the preparations, from my hospital bag to the baby's clothing and the nursery, were accomplished with love by all our parents and the three of us.

Despite my insistent on no baby shower since I had everything I would need from the baby's birth to the sixth month, everyone in the family declined. They bombarded me with sentiments about having the baby shower as a must, especially for the first baby. Our mothers would like to experience how it is to have the first baby shower in the family. Avery does not allow the birth of her favorite godchild not to be celebrated.

On top of all the chaos, Art kept reminding me it would not just be a celebration for the baby but for me as well. Every night, he enumerated how I should be celebrated the most for being a champ in carrying a precious life inside me for nine months, how I was completing his life and filling it with so much happiness for giving him a complete family. After all the never-ending whining from Avery and sweet words from Art, I caved into a baby shower but with one condition.  It will strictly be an intimate family affair: only our parents and us three.

At first, Avery was adamant. As expected, she wouldn't want to settle for less. But my best friend agreed with Art's help and our mother's convincing.

It was surprising, though, when Art insisted he would be hands-on with the preparation. He didn't just shock me but our parents. Not to mention the pronounced eye roll he got from Avery.

In a week, Art and Avery prepared everything for the celebration. The first two days, they were bickering all the time. For some reason, they came like different persons on the third day. Avery was all praise for Art and was unstoppable in proclaiming how Art did great in planning. On the other hand, Art was sweating and turning pale every time Avery mentioned how, at long last, he got her brain. It was amusing yet satisfying to see my two best friends showing their love for me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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