Chapter 1

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"HE'S ON HIS WAY HERE." Avery fixed the pink ribbon she placed on my hair. "Relax and remember what we practiced. You're so pretty. Art will surely confess once he sees you."

I touched the ribbon in my hair. "Isn't this too much?" I pouted my lips. "I feel like a gift."

"That's the motivation, Shells! You're one impressive and valuable gift."

Slowly, I pressed my palm on my chest. I felt my new dress, which fit me perfectly, had shrunk into two sizes. My heart beats fast whenever I'm near Art, but the heart beating I feel right now is more. It's like running a marathon, wanting to burst out from my chest.

"Ave, are you sure it's going to be okay? What if he isn't into me like I'm into him?" My voice croaked. "I don't want to lose him... I'd rather keep our friendship than not have him at all." I looked up at the ceiling to stop my eyes from watering.

"Shells, think positive. I'm sure he likes you, too. I see it." Ave facepalmed herself. " Triple OMG, I feel it. Even his mom and my mom say the same!" Then, seeing my hands shaking, Avery gave me a warm hug.

"Thank you, Ave." I hugged her back, but immediately she pulled away from me and dragged me toward my vanity mirror.

"Look at yourself in the mirror right now. What's not to like about you? Aside from your gorgeous face and shiny long black hair, you have the kindest heart. So please relax. I'm sure it's what he meant by saying that he has a confession to make to you today. Why would he wait for today? On your 16th birthday? If it isn't a love confession." When Ave squeezed my shoulders, my nerves calmed a bit.

"You're every guy's lottery jackpot, Shells!"

Avery knows when and how to make me feel better when I'm a nerve-wreck. She's my girl-best friend. The first day I attended school in Boston, I met her. In a small-town cafe, my mom and I shared a table with her and her mom. That day, our moms made best friends for life. She and I found a sister in each other.

"Stop with the daydreaming! Let's retouch our lips." I took the lipstick from her hand. Then, our giggles filled my room with our pink lips pouted in front of the mirror.

Hand in hand, we walked towards the living room. The nervousness I'd been feeling a while back subsided. Excitement and longing filled my heart. Avery's confidence boost fueled me.

If he doesn't confess, I'll do it like Ave, and I practiced.

When a car got parked sounded outside, my stomach flipped. Butterflies, rainbows and unicorns, and everything else seemed to have filled my stomach up to my heart.

Calm, my dear heart. I believe Art meant what he said when he called last night. He reminded me of how time flies. I'm turning 16 today. But, the most important was when he mentioned a confession he has to make today. I can't wait. My heart can't. It has been an eight-year-long coming.

I moved towards the wooden door with a hopeful heart and an expectant mind. A grinning Avery stood on my right side with her camera phone aimed at the door. Everything around me turned foggy, like in a dream. The only thing clear is my vision of Art standing on the other side.

Inhale. Exhale. As my trembling hand gripped the knob, I took a deep breath.

"Shells..." Avery's soft voice made my head turn to her. Her other hand fixated on her mouth, motioning for me to flash my sweetest smile. With confidence, I put a smile on my face, turned the knob, and opened the door.

"Happy Birthday, Shells!" Art, with his mesmerizing green eyes, greeted me. His face was the brightest I've ever seen, from the sparkles in his eyes, the radiant smile on his red lips, and the pink dots on his cheeks. He's holding a bouquet of gardenias, my favorite. Everything about him signifies one thing.

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