Chapter 4

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"SHELLS... WE NEED TO TALK, please."

Art's voice stood out from all the voices roaring. Avery's firm grip on my arm stayed. I knew she had heard Art, but Avery repeated the melody of what she was singing in a monosyllabic tone after his last word.

"And. You. Let. Her. Go!"

I felt the despair in Art's voice, but Avery's intention to bring me up front was stronger. Like the roaring voices around that kept yelling, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Suddenly, I'm standing in front of a young man with a guitar and holding a bouquet of gardenias.

"Ashton," I said in a whisper.

"Shelly Rae."

Ashton Williams. The once Boston High's music star. He belonged to a family of famous music legends. He attended our high school for half of the school year last year. The day he first showed up in school created a stir. Everyone wanted to know who the boy next door endowed with musical prowess. From his looks, talent and intelligence, it was a no-brainer. Every girl in school wanted to be close to him and even have him.

Out of all the teenage groups, Ashton chose us. He and Art became best friends, with Avery and me in tow. The four of us became inseparable. Art found a brother and best buddy. At the same time, Avery and I got another protector and a guy friend.

The four of us became a force that was hard to beat. Avery was the thinker. Art was tech-savvy. Ashton was the musician, and I was the joy. We complement each other so well. That's why on our talent show, our group was one that all of Boston High looked forward to.

We agreed to make a music video for a song Ashton wrote. Avery conceptualized and directed Art and me in the video. While the video was played on stage, Ashton played the guitar as he sang live. Everything from the performance's start to end went according to our plan. But something unexpected happened when we were awarded the grand prize on stage.

Ashton made an announcement that shocked Avery and me and somehow irked Art. "Shelly Rae inspired me to write the song. She is special to me."

The four of us never got the chance to talk about it. A day after the talent show Ashton left school for good. He moved to New York and starred in a Broadway musical that started his singing and acting career. And the song he wrote became his first hit record worldwide.

"Shells, Ashton is waiting for your answer."

Avery's voice and the roaring yesses reminded me of an answer expected from me. But, when I looked around, everything seemed to blur except Art and Paisley, who were now standing beside each other.

Art's eyes were on mine while Paisley's hand was on his arm. Suddenly, everything clicked. Seeing her holding the bouquet from Art and the kiss they shared moments ago. All were reminders for me.

"Shelly Rae, will you be my dance date?"

Without hesitation and avoiding everyone's gaze, I declared my answer.

"Yes, Ashton. I will be your dance date."

Loud whistling echoed around the cafeteria. Clapping and yells of approval followed. Then someone started to chant. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

Everyone joined the chanting. When I looked at Avery, she was smirking. When I followed her eyes, I saw Art's flushed face, his hand fisted.

I felt a heaviness in my chest. "Ave, what are we doing?"

Avery looked at me with a smile up to her ears. "Giving Art a dose of his own medicine." She pouted her lips toward Ashton and chanted again. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

When I looked at Ashton, his eyes were on mine. He handed me the flowers and whispered, "Is it okay if I kiss you?"

I gave a half-smile. "Ashton...." Let go and move on Shells!

I closed my eyes; Art's proposal and Paisley's face flashbacked at me. Then I heard an inner voice reminding me it was time I thought of myself.

"Shelly Rae." I felt Ashton's breathing near my face when he repeated my name.

I kept my eyes closed and nodded, and readied myself. I felt a soft peck on my forehead. The pandemonium of noises and tapping on dining tables filled the dining area.

"Lips! Lips! Lips!" Everyone chanted in unison.

I felt Avery's hands on my shoulders. She was pushing me towards Ashton. Then she whispered, "I would give up my allowance to see Art's face. He looks like he's about to shit on his pants, Shells!"

I felt Avery taking the flowers from my hand and getting the guitar from Ashton. "There you go, lovebirds. Now there's nothing between you two! You can open your eyes now, Shells, and see how handsome Ashton is up close."

"OMG, Ave! Please stop!" I opened my eyes and saw Ashton smiling. He's an absolute superstar and eye candy. But like before, I don't feel the butterflies, flurries, or spark. Even though my mind could see all the good reasons why anyone could like Ashton Williams, my heart couldn't feel the same.

Ashton is not Art.

It was a fact. Ashton is not Art. But Art is not in front of me. He didn't hand me flowers nor sing me a song. Lastly, he didn't ask me to be his date. At the same time, Ashton took time off from his busy schedule and flew from LA to be here for me. He announced to the whole of Boston High how special I was to him.

Ashton declared to everyone his feelings for me. One thing Art had never done. It's maybe because he doesn't feel the same way about me.

"Go, Ashton! Go, Ashton! Kiss on the lips! Lips! Lips! Lips!" The loud chants tripled.

"Can I?" Ashton mouthed. His hands were trembling.

Even without seeing my face, I knew how red it was. There's no way the other students will stop unless they get what they want; when multiple phone cameras started clicking, my desire to end the chaos and spare Ashton from prolonged cheering was palpable.

As I stepped forward, Ashton placed his hand on my cheek and gently moved it toward the side of my mouth. He moved his face near mine and whispered. "Let's give them a show that will make them stop. Do you trust me?"

Maybe it's time I trust someone else. 

I nodded, and Ashton immediately placed his fingers on my mouth and fastly put his lips on it. The loud cheering confirmed the students didn't realize Ashton's fingers were between our lips. Seconds after, the dismissal bell sounded, and the students dispersed in different directions as fast as they could.

Realizing we were the only ones left, Ashton hugged me, and I hugged him back.

"Thanks, Ash, for not taking advantage of the situation. You're a real gentleman," I whispered.

"I wouldn't make you have your first kiss in a spectacle like this, Shelly Rae," he whispered back.

"Triple OMG! Ashton is Shelly's first kiss!" Avery was jumping and clapping.

Before any of us could say a word, Art's loud voice sounded.




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