Chapter eight: Finding Tsuki's mate and continuing to Tokoy[Rewrote]{Edited}

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In America 

Jonathan "Johnny" Storm's  POV.

Me and my team were fighting a criminal when an owl came and landed on my shoulder, I tried my best to show it away but it did not bug so until I took the letter from it, when I took the letter the owl flew away I decided to read the letter later after the fight. me and my team had a long and hard battle, with the criminal Docter Boom but at the end of the day we won but not without injuries some that were not as severe like cuts and some more severe like broken bones  but nothing life threatening so when we got back to  HQ I opened the letter.

It read:

Dear Mr. Storm

I, Griphook manager of Potter estates at Gringgotts Bank in Wizarding London would like to inform you of the following that will change your life for the better or worse. You must either be wondering or sceptical if this was true or fales but must I remind you that you can seat yourself a flam now that it's made clear to you, we have found your mate or also know to you muggles as soulmates. So now that was said there will be people that are his family  that will come and speak to you...and there  is a letter from your mate attached to this one

yours truly


I quickly toke out the second letter and it read:

To my bear Mate 

I know this must be shocking but  I want you to know that the people that are coming are good and safe so please trust them as much as you can, I also thought I should wright there names so here it goes.

1.Sirius Black

2.Remus Luin

3.Severus Snap

4.Bill Weasley

5.Charlie Weasley

6.Fred Weasley

7.Goerge Weasley

If anyone other then then show up...lets just say I do not care what happens to them.

Your lovely Mate


I was completely taken aback by all this information that is laid at my feet in just two letters I do not know what to do! And these people that are coming might have the answers to my unanswered questions but what/who ever my 'mate' is I hope they are as amazing as I breamed of when I was child. I walked to Reed to ask him if we have any missions for the next week. He told me that right now it is a no but that may change so I should not get my hopes up too quickly, I nodded my head and left the room to go get something to eat.

After eating I saw the owl from before and wrote a queck letter,

It Said:

To whomever this go to

I will be waiting of my 'mate'? friends/family to come at this every moment I do not have any missions but that might change...until then they can find me at the fantastic four building in America

Your truly

Johnny Storm

I gave the owl the letter and watched it fly off.

Meanwhile In Britain

At Hogwarts

Ramus's POV.

We were all at Hogwarts bags packed and the secret map in my pocket so now we were waiting for the headmaster to come so we could go to the first place on the secret map which I think was somewhere in Africa if I remember correctly. When everyone was here we all walked to the apparition point and apparated to Africa, Mail as it said on the map and we stay there for two days getting food and water and manly resting and the night before we left me, Severus, Sirius and the four Weasley gathered around all will Dumblefuck was asleep and showed them the map and said in a whisper, "We are going to New York next and a few thing are going to happen, First: we need to find harry mate and talk to him, Second: We need to rest for the remanding time and lastly: We will use a muggle transport called a aeroplane to fly to Japan, Tokyo so Dumblefuck can't find use easily." They all nodded and we went to bed.

Second day/Last day in Africa

We packed the last of our things and we apparated to New York which take us a whole day to get there but when we got there, we got to a motel and slept and next day we repeated what we did in Africa and bought some food, water and souvenirs so Harry could see were we have been and how we got there. I made plans and worked out ideas to make sure the travel to Tokyo is smooth and without any mistakes, and After we rested for a bit then went looking for Harry's mate and after a long day of looking we went back to the motal. We got a letter from Griphook telling us were to look for Harry's mate so that we can talk to him and tell him about the wizarding world and after that we just need to get on the plan and go without worry about our magical signature because they will be weak after a week and then long gone by the time Dumblefuck gets to Tokyo.

We need to find Harry's mate Johnny

~~ time skip ~~

We looked and asked around until we found the building call fantastic four HQ. We walked to the frunt besk and asked for Johnny Storm, we did not need to wait long to see him, he came quickly and showed us to a meeting room. He said," How my I help you?" I was about to talk but was intruped by Sirius who said,"We are your mate's family... I am Sirius Black his Godfather." Then before anyone could speek I said," I will explain but first let me introudce myself, I am Ramus Lupon  I'm a wizurd and a bitten werewolf. To my left is Severus Snap - he is a wizerd , Fred and George Weasley- They are twins and wizerds , Bill Weasley- he is a wizerd, Charles Weasley- he is a wizerd and lastly Sirius Black- wizerd." I then explaned and answered any questions he had. We sat and talked for hours and he finly ask," May my team know and can they come with so that our brains of the team can find a way to comuact with the Yoki world?" I of couse said yes.

~two Day time skip~

Two days passed  after our talk with Johnny and he team and we packed up will Dumblefuck is a sleep and just so you know we have each our own rooms so Dumblefuck won't know we left New York. We also left a note saying that we are out sit see that we just slipped under his door. Then we went to the front desk told them to give Dumblefuck a message that he should only get on Friday and we did wright it to make it easier for them to just give it to him. After an hours-long ride to the airport, we booked a one-way ticket to Tokyo and went through the necessary terminals to get to the plan, when on the plan we all were excited to see Harry again and me to finally have my cube in my arms again.  Johnny looked nurves about meeting Harry soon and I just hope I will have my own mate soon.

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