Chapter two: Inheritance [rewrite]{Edited}

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[A/N: I took insperation from one other writer and the inheritance test was dast off of the writer's and they are skjefferson]



Harry's POV.

I landed in Gringotts, walked to a cashier and said, "Excuse me, I am here to see Griphook for my inheritance test and I have the letter he sent me." The goblin looked at me and nodded their head before shouting in gobbledygook to another goblin and that goblin came over and told me to follow him to Griphook's office, I nodded my head. We walked through the twisty turny corridors until we got to a bark oak door, the goblin shouts out in gobbledygook and then opens the doors and shows me to enter the room.

Griphook stood behind his desk and bowed. I bowed to him after he stood up. I started up, he then jestered me to sit. I did so then I asked, "Mr Griphook can you please explain what is going on?" Griphook nodded his head and started to explain "You see your magical guardian should have explained this, but I seem he has not and has been absent from your life according to your face." Griphook explained everything in great detail and I asked for a few clarifications here and there and he was very understanding.

Griphook said "Now all that is out of the way we can get done to business." He gave me a dagger and parchment told me to prick my finger and let 3 drops of blood fall. I did just that and after a few minutes words began to show.

It read:


Personal Information/Inheritance Test

Name: Tsuki-kun

Last name: No last name because he is a Yokai

Human age: 13

Yokai age: 130

birthday: 31 July 1980

Father: Sesshōmaru-sama

Mother/ bearer: Toshimaru-sama

Siblings: Setuna and Towa

Aunt: Kagome Higurashi (Obe)

Uncle: Inuyasha-sama (Ojisan)

Grandmother/ Goddomazā: Gobodō-sama

Grandfather/ Goddofāzā:Tōga (Deceased)

Blood status: Yokai blood

Core: Dark

Creature: Demon hybrid bog-fox {Submissive}

Mate: Jonathan "Johnny" Lowell Spencer Storm

Mate's Creature: Human hellhound {Dominant}

Illegal blood adoption

adopted name: Harry James Potter

adopted Father: James Potter

adopted Mother: Lily Potter nee Evans

Godmother: None

Godfather: Sirius Black

Blood status: Half-Blood

Core: Light

Creature: None

Mate: None


Slytherin (by conquest)

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