Chapter six: What happened to Harry?[rewrite]{Edited}

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In Britain

Number 12 Grimaledsplace

Sirius's POV

Where is my Pup? Why did no one tell me that he is being abused? I hope that what they told me is false because I love my pup and I hope he didn't kill himself, I will be devastated and will join him,this damn war can go to hell for all I care. I then heard a rapped taping on the glass, it was a drake brown owl that had a letter tied to its leg.

It said:

Bear Mr Black

We at the Gringotts bank has been asked to inform you that one Tsuki "Potter" is alive and he requests you, Mr Lupin and his mate one Jonathan "Johnny" Storm to go to Higurashi shrine in Tokyo, Japan and ask for Ms. Higurashi she will show you how to get to the Yokai realm and do not and I repeat DO NOT! tell Albus too many bloody names Dumbledore anything. Your godson and his birth father gave me permission to let you read his Inheritance Test so that you can understand way he asked that.

P.S. You may in form the following if you'd like Bill, Charlie, Fred and George Weasley and Severus Snap no one else. Also Mr Jonathen Storm is a muggle that has super powers so you may tell him about the magical community, he lives in America so when you go throw the country find him. One last thing before you leave come to Gringotts and do a test.

Yours truly


There was another parchment underneath the letter that must be Harry's Inheritance Test and it read:


Personal Information/Inheritance Test

Name: Tsuki-kun

last name: No last name because he is a Yokai

birthday: 31 July 1981

Father: Sesshōmaru-sama

Mother/ bearer: Toshimaru-sama

Siblings: Setsuna and Towa

Aunt: Kagome Higurashi (Obe)

Uncle: Inuyasha-sama (Ojisan)

Grandmother/ Sobo: Gobodō-sama

Grandfather/ Ojīsan: Tōga (Deceased)

Blood status: Yokai blood

Core: Dark

Creature: Demon hybrid bog-fox {Submissive}

Mate: Jonathan Lowell Spencer "Johnny" Storm

Mate's Creature: Human hellhound {Dominant}

Illegal blood adoption

adopted name: Harry James Potter

adopted Father: James Potter

adopted Mother: Lily Potter nee Evens

Godmother: None

Godfather: Sirius Black

Blood status: Half-Blood

Core: Light

Creature: None

Mate: None


Slytherin (by conquest)

Potter (by adoption)

Peverell (by adoption)

Gryffindor (by adoption)

Black (by adoption)

{Yokai don't have Vaults in the wizarding world because they almost never live the Yokai realm}

Lord ships/Heirships

Heir Slytherin (by conquest)

Lord Potter (by adoption)

Lord Peverell (by adoption)

Lord Gryffindor (by adoption)

Heir Black (by adoption)

Beast crowned prince

Charms, Blocks and Potions

Compulsion charms, Loyalty Potion & Obliviation charm (Keyed to Albus Dumbledore)

Hate Potion(Keyed to Severus Snap, Voldemort, Draco Malfoy & all Slytherins)

Compulsion Charms and Loyalty Potion (Keyed to all Weasleys) {except Bill, Charlie, Fred and George Weasley}

Love Potion (Keyed to Ginevra Weasleys)

Magical Core:70% Blocking charm(Key to Albus Dumbledore)

Parseltongue Abilities: 50% Blocking charm(Key to Albus Dumbledore)

{All has been removed because it was life threatening and because the person did not want it on his person}

Money Withdrawn

20,000 Galleons paid monthly to Albus Dumbledore

10,000 Galleons paid monthly to Molly & Arthur Weasley

5,000 Galleons paid monthly to Hermione Granger, Ronald and Ginny Weasley

400 Galleons withdrawn by Harry Potter (Tsuki) annually on August 31st.

In total:

Albuse Dumbledore: 3,120,000 Gallons taken

Molly and Arther Weasley: 720,000 Gallons taken

Hermione Granger: 180,000 Gallons taken

Ronald and Ginny Weasley: 360,000 Gallons taken

Harry Potter (Tsuki){owner}: 14,400 Gallons taken

Total: 4,394,400

Amount oued: 4,380,000


I was so happy to read that my godson was alive and that he still wants me as his godfather. But I also was furious that Dumblefuck did that to my Pup! HE WILL PAY but not right now because I have to tell Ramus about this and how happy I am for my pup has found his mate, I smiled and ran to the front door and apparitied to Hogwarts [Sirius did have a trial in this story and was found not guilty and yes Dumbledore was angry he did not want Sirius to be near harry so he convinced Sirius to wait until the time was right to meet him, but madam bones insisted that Sirius gets one]. When I got there, I went straight to Ramus's classroom to tell him the good news I was practically skipping to his classroom when I got there I nocked and went in when I heard come in from Ramus, he looked my way and smiled, he said,"What got you so excited?" I ran up to him and wisper yelled so no one else could hear me," Harry's alive!" and I shoved the letter with all its content into his hands. He looks down reads it and I see a smile on his face until he gets to the Inheritance Test and I see tiers rolling down his face, I knew he was sad and angry for what had happened to Harry. He loves Harry samething force like a father loves his son.

Ramus's POV.

When Sirius comes in my classroom and told me that Harry is alive I was happy and when he gave me the letter and the Inheritance Test that lies within the envelope when I read it I was happy for my friend and when I read the Inheritance Test I was over joyed to find out Harry had mate but sad that it was not me but I know I will find my mate very soon, I  said,"Let's go get Harry back." so we started to make arrangements to go to my cude and then out of no were came Dumblefuck and said, "My boys lets go get harry!" the fucker was eavesdropping on us.

Albus Dumbledor's POV.

My weapon is alive! I must get him back at all costs.

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