Extra 2

132 24 4

The blaring sound of the alarm clock echoed through the room, a certain thin arm reached out and silenced the noise. His red eyes blinked open, taking a moment to adjust to the dim morning light filtering through the curtains. As his consciousness fully returned, a sense of familiarity settled in; a sensation he had come to know all too well.

Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. There was no point in lingerie. But no reason to do anything either. He knew exactly what the day would bring; the same routines, the same activities, and the same fights.

He sat idly on the side of the bed, weak grey lights washed all over him. A shadow cast across his face. There was nothing in his mind. Nothing to think of. Just a silent, blank world.

His delicate bony fingers glided across the crisp white sheets. How frail they seemed. They ran through his long, unkempt white hair as he held his head back and closed his eyes.

"What should I do today?" He mused to himself, as he stood up, stretching the last fragments of his sleep away. He heads straight for the door, stuffing both his hands into his pockets after opening the door.

The sky is bright today, he couldn't see any clouds. The singing birds were loud for once. He hummed and jumped over the railing, landing safely on his foot. A gust of smoke settled like a ripple on water.

He heaved a mouthful of air. "Another day, here it goes." He mumbled under his breath, moving straight towards the alley.

His feet navigate themselves through the shadow of the walls whilst his mind wanders aimlessly. Numerous thoughts filled his head, still wondering what he could do to redeem himself for the clones.

Any acts that instill positivity is good enough. But it was to make sure that the attempts were genuine and not half-assed recycled bullshit were the real challenge.

Maybe consulting Yomikawa was inevitable after all, he thought with a grimace mixed with a faint smile. His ears picked up the sounds of the cars and chattering masses.

The lights from the end of the alley blinded him for a split second even though he wasn't even halfway from reaching it. Wasn't it usually a bit dimmer? Was he a bit too slow with his pace? Has he gotten here a bit too late?

He frowned. He must've idled a bit too long. Damn his raging feelings to hell. "Whatever, I wasn't supposed to see her until noon anyway." He murmurs to himself.

He grumbled curses before entering the stream of people. Yep, he's already too late. It wasn't supposed to be this crowded until half an hour into the loop.

So no meeting with those three today then. 'Which would mean…' his eyes narrowed. Kuroko's hurt in this timeline then. He sighed again. Somehow he had a feeling that he'll be doing that a whole lot today.

Maybe he'll indulge himself with a bunch of coffee while he wallows in her pain. Yeah, sounds like a plan for sure. He was sure there was a vending machine somewhere around the corner behind him.

The machine stood out, making it very easy to spot. After bribing a certain employee kid who works at a flower stand into giving him one of their baskets, he began digging in whatever changes he has in his pockets.

Surprisingly, he found none. He hummed in confusion. He was sure he had about ¥2000 in coins worth in his pocket. He'd also given cash to the kid at the flower stand. So where did his changes go?

Something tugged the back of his shirt. He turned around to see two black hairs, both differ in length. The shorter one is decorated with a crown made of flowers. Ruiko and Uiharu.

"Yo!" Ruiko greets casually. Uiharu just bowed her head. He tilts his head. This never happened before. His spacing causes Ruiko to pout. "Don't tell me you've forgotten us already."

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