Chapter 1: The Start.

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Please tell me what you think once you're done!


The blaring sound of the alarm clock echoed through the room, causing a certain albino to groggily reach out and silence the noise. His red eyes blinked open, taking a moment to adjust to the dim morning light filtering through the curtains. As consciousness fully returned, a sense of familiarity settled in—a sensation he had come to know all too well.

Another day, he muttered to himself, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. There was no point in lingering. He knew exactly what the day would bring—the same routines, the same activities, and the same fights.

With practiced efficiency, he went through his morning routine. He sat on the side of his bed and idled for about five minutes before doing a quick stretch. A glance at the clock on the wall told him it was almost 8 am.

Stepping into the small kitchenette, the albino began to prepare his breakfast—a cup of black coffee. The clinking of utensils against his cup and the soft pouring of his coffee created a soothing, messy rhythm, a comfort in the monotony of it all.

As he drank, he glanced out the window, watching the world outside rot and the abandoned buildings decay from the years of neglect. He found it ironic that this entire place had once been bustling, but was now only forgotten. He often wondered what would become of it all...

He continued to watch the sun climb until he downed the last of his coffee, pushing the mug away. Leaning back in the chair, he let out a sigh.

With a final glance, he pushed himself up from his seat, picked up his phone on the nightstand and headed out the door. His daily routine, the blaring alarm clock, the familiar meetings with the same old faces.

The barely lit staircase was the only evidence that something had gone terribly wrong the previous night. The limp bodies of still unconscious thugs, whom all he'd maimed for life, again, lay at the bottom, contorted in unnatural angles. Most of their faces were covered in a sickly purple hue as their blood smeared the tiled floor. The rest of their bodies lay limp on the floors, most of them unmoving, like rag dolls.

He walked down the stairs, kicking the remains aside. Clicking his tongue when one of them tried grabbing onto his ankles. The assailant's hands got bent into an uncomfortable angle. The man could only whimper and sob silently, curling up on the floor soaked blood, clutching his hands close to his chest.

He walked past the scene of the massacre nonchalantly. Out of the apartment complex he went, onto the empty streets of District 19 he's in, a place so notorious in recent years that no one was brave enough to get in without being escorted by the military. A place where the most infamous of people hangs.

Unlike the other parts of the city, this district is hardly crowded. The few people who live here know better than to venture out at night. During the mornings, it is pretty much the same. The streets are deserted and desolate, as if they have been forgotten.

The scene is very familiar to the albino.

He took his phone out of his pocket and checked his schedule. He noticed a message from that Kihara bastard. He'd only have to face one clone for today. Apparently, the rest of the clones he's supposed to kill had to undergo some extra checks. This left him with an entire day's worth of time to burn. He wasn't exactly ecstatic, but he could really use some break from them. Nearly two years straight of those blank faces was enough to make anyone go insane.

As he walked through the alleyways, he paced slowly. The air was damp; the smell of urine wafted around him as he passed by a dumpster. He received glares from people in various rundown buildings of the city.

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