Chapter 3: The Up and Down.

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District 19 was and is Accelerator's playground. It has been for the past 2 years now. No one can question who truly owns the marked territory. Not even those who enforces the law dared to venture in here. But today might just change that perspective.

At the start of the morning, precisely 7:55 am. A loud rumble was heard throughout the city. Even more to those who are within or close to the district. The source couldn't be pinpointed, as if the entire place itself was shaking.

Webs of cracks appeared on every corner of the concrete jungle. Rocks, dirts, plastics, even iron beams lifted off the ground, ascending up to the sky slowly at an exact rate. People were seen elevating as well. The objects they used as an anchor to keep them on the ground are rendered useless when they begin flying along with them.

And at the very center of the district, a lone figure stood. His arms spread. His crazed look would leave anyone traumatized. "Holy shit! Its actually fucking working!" He shouted without a single care in the world.

Accelerator's ability allowed him to control every vector in the world, with the conditions being that he had to manually calculate the exact magnitude and directions he wanted it to go. And that he can only control the vectors that were within his barrier. Said barrier was only big enough to cover him and the clothes he wore. Some of his hair was, in fact, left unprotected.

So he began theorizing a few things. But the damage it might inflict left him unable to perform a few experiments that could confirm nor eliminate the legitimacy of the theory.

But with the limitations having been lifted, he was freed of his shackles and is, truly for once, freed.

His laugh boisterous, sounding more like a hyena than a laugh coming from a person, he began once more. "This is fun! This is so much fun! Imagine what I could do with the atoms! The winds! The fucking planet!"

As his laughs grew harder, the strength of the gravity increased. Buildings are no longer pulled now the very foundations they're built upon are too, being pulled from the ground. The views are both magnificent and terrifying for the eyes of the unknowing.

"This fucking world is mine to do as I please!" He said to himself gleefully.

With his right hand balled, the direction in which they go turned into a single point. Every bit that flew off speeds off onto that center point and gathered, forming a small planetoid of concrete and dirt.

His surroundings are now left barren. Few survived the gravity pull. The district, big enough to be a city on its own, is cleared clean, leaving only patches of broken up lands. He could see the other districts from here.

And to think that by 12 am, everything would be back to normal, as if this had never even happened to begin with. It filled him with so much energy and thrill. So much of his power would be discovered. So many more things to do.

So much fun.

He has hundreds- no, thousands of things he wanted to test, things he wanted to see. And there is nothing stopping him from seeing it. Nothing.

"Stop over there criminal scum!"

The grin he had was wiped into a mere irritation he used to wear. He looked over his shoulder in a sideways glance, seeing whatever it is that dared to refer to him in such a manner.

"Anti-Skills." He murmured in annoyance.

There were guns pointed at him. A shit ton of them. Ranging from sidearms to smgs to assault rifles, etc etc. Riot shields were used, as if it would do anything against his rampage. Do they even know who he is?

"Oi, oi, what's this? I thought you third-strings were too much of a faggot to enter the danger zone?" He taunts them.

"Stop whatever you're doing, and hand over yourself!" The same person shouts.

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