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Me and Jesse has been friends for a while now. He's a great guy. His future girlfriends are lucky as fuck. I don't really like him. I only see him as a friend. He's like a brother to me, since we're really close. Besides, I'm seeing someone at the moment. We've been hanging out a lot, but I'm not sure if he likes me back. His name is Alex. He's got everything I want in a guy. Looks, brains, body, and personality. He is literally perfect. I want him so damn bad. If I'm gonna get married, it better be him, or else I'm throwing hands.


As I went in Finneas' home, Jesse greeted me with a warm smile and open arms. "Hey, pretty girll!", He said with a big smile, before pulling my into a big tight hug. I greeted him back, "Hey, Jesse! I missed you so much dude!", I hugged him.

I pulled away from the hug, and as soon as I did, I noticed something in the corner of my eye. Omg. Alex!


After that hug, I whispered to myself, "You smell so damn good, Billie...". Ugh, I wish I could tell that to her. She only thinks I'm her brother. Whatever. Well, Alabama exists. Lol.

Almost immediately after pulling away from the hug, she's already looking at someone else. It was alright, until I saw her cheeks glow red. I dropped my smile and looked at the direction where she's looking at.

Well, of course. If it isn't God's favorite. Alex. He's Billie's crush, and I thought to myself, it's gonna be okay. But almost everything that Billie talks about was Alex. Really? Whatever. She likes this guy so damn bad, and I have to change that, though I don't even have that kind of confidence and hope in myself. Stupid. I didn't notice I scowled at him. He didn't see, so it's okay.

I looked back to Billie, but she's still looking at him. Ugh. The things I would do to make her feel that way for me. It's like I'm the only desperate one over here. Why can't she see the good in me? Well, yeah, but all she sees is a good brother. Whatever..

I poked Billie's shoulder to catch her eyes again. She looked back at me and I smiled at her cute face. She smiled back, and we started laughing for no reason at all. I love the way she laughs. I'm obsessed. She's so cute.

"You love Alex so much, don't you, Billie?", I said, followed by a fake ass awkward laugh. She chuckled, and said, "He's just a guy with everything I ever wanted. I hope he'll be mine someday.". My eye kind of twitched listening to her. It hurts. "Oohh, okay... Sure... Let's go to the backyard at the pool...", I said, trying to change the topic.

As we were leaving the living room, her eyes were still attached to Alex. I rolled my eyes and held her waist to catch her attention. As soon as I did, her eyes shot to me. I was pretending I didn't see her looking at me. I was stopping myself from smiling. She smiled and took her eyes off me. I grinned ear to ear. I let go of her waist at the backyard. All our friends were there! I left Billie there and ran to Finneas and David. I greeted them and started talking.



esse didn't even atleast tell me he's going to our friends. Whatever, I'll be fine. But the way he held my waist, though 🤭🦋

I was gonna go back inside the room to talk to Alex, when I bumped into him since he was behind me. His abs were rock hard, so I ended up falling to the ground. But before I did, Jesse caught me.

"Watch where you're goin, fella!", He yelled at Alex. "No, you should tell her to watch!", Alex yelled back, referring to me. I felt this pain in my chest. It's my panic attack. I just watched them fight cause I couldn't do anything. I couldn't even breathe. "What are you even doing behind her? Go find another place to fuck around!", Jesse screamed. "Shut the fuck up! Stop acting like this your house! Just make Billie apologize, it's not that hard!", Alex yelled. "Billie is absolutely not gonna apologize for your mistake. You're fuckin' gay for making a woman think it's her fault when it's yours!", Jesse yelled at his face. Before Alex could even say anything, Jesse slapped him across the face, HARD. I pulled Jesse away from the scene. "Dude... I'll just apologize... No need to do all that...", I told him. Our friends were watching the whole thing. After the slap, Alex looked at him with a death stare. He didn't do anything to him cause he couldn't. Jesse was way bigger than him. He was leaving, when Jesse pulled his shirt collar HARD. "You just gonna leave like that after creating this mess? What you gonna say to Billie?", He said. "I-I'm sorry, Billie.", Alex said, looking into my eyes while rubbing his cheek in pain. He immediately ran the fuck away, while Jesse yelled, "That's what I thought, lil bitch!".

After that whole scene, he walked up to me with concerned eyes, and asked me, "You okay, Bee?", He asked. I looked at him with puppy eyes, and looked at his feet, nodding yes. He pulled my waist and hugged me tight, while he stroked my hair. "I told you that guy was a bitch. I'm not letting you hang around that jerk again, okay?", He told me. I nodded my head. He pulled me away from the hug, and looked me in the eye. "Isn't it obvious, Bill?", He asked me with puppy eyes. I was so confused. What was he talking about? "What do you mean, Jesse?", I asked him. He gave a sad sigh, and walked out the door. I was disappointed in myself. What did he mean?


Is it not obvious? How could she not realize? I'm really disappointed. I stormed out Finneas' house and went straight to my car, leaving Billie there. I drove to my house and just cried myself to sleep, while listening to Billie's nonstop calls. She was not giving up at all.

1070 WORDS

Hey yall i been busy w school sorry LMFAO
So how are my babiess?? How was like 2 weeks without me
Anyways, if you're reading this elena, RELEASE THE NEXT PART PLEASE IM ON MY KNEES
Gys js lmk if you need a next part for this 1🥰
Oh don't worry about that i hate you lover fanfic I'll do shit dont worry lol

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