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The classroom of tenth class was filled with children who was suffering from the pain of getting separated and divided into two different sections. Both the classes of section A and B, which was beside each other was making so noise that it could be heard from the staircases. Some were expressing their discontent of being on the other section than of their best friend. Some were showing their excitement for meeting their long lost mate on previous section distribution.

There was only one girl and one boy who were not talking much. Araav Basu,was a topper boy of that batch. But Sameera Chatterjee was an average student. Araav was sitting on the first bench and Sameera was sitting on the last. He was busy solving a complex problem of Trigonometry. And she on the other hand was busy tying her wet hair.

The bell rang with loud alarming noise. A boy's voice could be heard who started the morning prayer through the speakers in the classroom.

Everyone stood up, for the first morning prayer.
"Our father,who art in heaven
Hallowed Be thy name,
Your kingdom come your well be done, hallowed be thy name...."

The morning assembly was carried forward by pledge and finally by singing The National Anthem.

Good morning Sir! The students said to their Class teacher Shashi sir. Sameera was crying inside.she was never so expressive. She had the fear to be misunderstood.The fear of disrespect. 

That! That girl at last! please come forward and sit here, in front, with this boy, What's your name? Shashi sir smiled and asked him. Aarav, Aarav Basu sir! Said Aarav with a sugar coated voice.
This voice, this, she used to hate the most. The person who always speaks sugar coated words are more dangerous to be close to. But as sir said, she surely needs to come forward. So she did so.She looked at his face. She got an obvious reaction of ignorance which she gulped raw and stared at him with a cold,dead eyes as if she came straight out of corpse. The cold stare made Aarav stand and move out of the bench. Sam took her seat. She just hate it. She hate everything from the very first day and she should've guessed that for the entire year.
That year it was Aarav who scored 0.5 mark more and took the first position leaving behind the second position for Sam.
When she was staring blank at the names list, her entire year went upside-down. It was HER dream to be the Topper. And HER dream was lived by HIM. Her tears rolled down her soft cheeks which turned red, it was Ashaa, her bestfriend who shook her,to break her from the trance and tried to console her down.She knew how badly she wanted to be a topper. She looked at her Bestfriend to say something, And that is when her late midnight dream broke. Rather her midnight nightmare broke.The nightmare which she still sees and has no idea how to get rid of it.

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