Chapter Four

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Y/N stared at the sky through the small window next to her current bed, pondering her situation for the hundredth time since the night began. She took note of the orange beginning to dust the edges of the horizon, realizing that she hadn't gotten a lick of sleep the entire night. How could she? She had no idea how far from home she was, being kept by a literal demon that wanted nothing more than to devour her for her blood.

BloodMoon had returned to her room several times throughout the night to do just as he had that previous afternoon. Each instant grew closer and closer together in time, and her arms and neck were littered with fresh red lines that stung with every movement she made. She remained frozen in fear the first few times, scared that the demon would do more than nick her for the small tastes he craved. But it was the fourth time that she dared to ask him a question.

"Why me?"

BloodMoon blinked at her a few times, seemingly processing that she had finally spoken after growing rather silent. "Why me, she asks. Nothing does she know," he said, turning away from her and consulting the empty space in the small room. "Maybe we should tell her, lessen the blow."

Y/N chanced a step back from the demon as he turned over the idea silently, pacing towards the large window on the other side of the room. "Princess blood is sweet," he stated finally, staring out at the dark night sky. But that wasn't the answer to her question, and somehow she knew that the demon already knew that. She approached BloodMoon in a random show of courage, turning him around to look him in the eyes.

"Who sent you?" she clarified, keeping her head held high to make her question seem more like a demand. The demon only smiled deviously at her and stepped forward, garnering a shaky step backwards from the princess. He chuckled and continued to back her against the wall so she couldn't escape. Not that she had anywhere she could go.

"That, pretty red, is a truth you are simply not ready for," he said quietly, grasping her chin and tilting her head to the side. "Every ounce of veracity in your life, crashing down before your eyes." Her heart raced in her chest, and fear made her breath uneven and ragged. Y/N could see the sharp fangs protruding from BloodMoon's mouth being this close to him, so she closed her eyes as he leaned forward and pricked her neck.

The princess lifted her hand to her neck where that had been, flinching as soon as her fingers made contact with the sore scab forming. She felt every inch of her body screaming for her to sleep, but she just couldn't bring herself to purposely render herself unconscious in the wake of BloodMoon's need for her blood. She yawned, bringing her hand from her neck to her mouth, before staring blearily at the sun beginning to peak over the horizon.

The next question she had asked the demon was far less straightforward, as she hoped that by taking a different approach, he would be more willing to divulge some level of information her way. But it had apparently offended BloodMoon, causing an outburst of rage she thought stupid of herself not to expect as soon as it started.

She rolled her shoulder as she remembered being shoved to the ground that time. In just the few hours she had been stuck here, she had already amassed more injuries than she had in the last several years. The pure terror in her body was the only thing keeping her from attempting to leave through the door she knew to still be unlocked. She continued to stare out of the window as the sun's daily slumber ended, lighting up the beautiful rolling hills beyond the edges of the open farmland. Something tugged at the back of her sleepy mind, but she was too lazy to decipher what it was. For a moment she swore she smelled the faint scent of some kind of pastry, but she chalked it up to her mind playing tricks on her due to her exhaustion.

Tainted Magic, Tainted Blood ~ TSAMS AUWhere stories live. Discover now