Prologue: Let's Make a Deal~

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"Come on, this has to work." 

Eclipse regarded the tattered maroon book in his hands with caution but determination as he stood in the center of his makeshift shrine. He had set everything up that he needed to. The runes were traced carefully into the dirt beneath him and the sun had long since set. Nobody else was anywhere near his carefully-selected location deep within the forest, and the full moon shone brightly up above. He even dressed himself in the darkest clothes he could manage to find, and now stood in front of his offering of some of his own blood. All that was left now was to speak the words written in the ancient language upon the pages in the dark book. He raised the book up with one hand and stretched out his other arm theatrically.

"De profundis clamavi te;

Fer caedem, fer potestatem;

Sanguis lunae me adducere!"

As the foreign words fell from Eclipse's mouth, he felt something powerful flow through his body. It was as if every single one of his nerve endings had come alive all at once, and the trees around him seemed to also sway and shake about from the invisible force. Darkness clouded out the full moon and the runes began to glow a bright red. Eclipse felt a laugh bubbling up from his chest. It was working! Everything was going according to plan!

Just as the wind began to pick up and the entire forest clearing was coated with the red glow, it all just... 


The trees stood still and the feeling of untamed magic running through his body ceased.

"What?" Eclipse hissed, frantically looking around. What had gone wrong? He had followed all of the steps, even went above and beyond on some of them! Did he say the spell incorrectly? Was there not enough of a blood offering? Eclipse desperately scanned through the page the book was open to, trying to discern what - if anything - he failed to incorporate. But he drew up blank. 

He was about to call it quits when he realized that the clearing was still drenched in red lighting. The moon was also still nowhere to be seen, and although the runes were no longer lit up, they seemed to be... moving?

A slow, guttural laugh sounded from behind Eclipse, prompting him to wildly scan the trees behind him. When nothing seemed out of the ordinary, he turned back around and startled, tripping over his own feet and falling backwards into the dirt.

A humanoid, red and black... thing towered above him, smiling deviously.

"Finally!" it yelled, making Eclipse flinch from his spot on the ground. "We have been summoned, but by who? Oh, it certainly has been a long while since we've visited this realm! Yes, yes, a while it has been!"

The creature smiled down at Eclipse, bearing his sharp teeth in the process. Its eyes seemed to glow in the red lighting that still shone in the clearing, and Eclipse found himself noticing that instead of pupils, it had one red and one white star in its eyes. It chuckled again as it took in the trembling figure beneath it.

"You are the one that summoned us, yes?" it asked, tilting its head to the side in curiosity.

Eclipse blinked his dazed state away and cleared his throat as he rose back to his feet. "You are BloodMoon?" he asked, a little taken aback. The creature seemed to smile even wider at the mention of its name.

"Yes, yes! We are BloodMoon! Feast your eyes on damnation!" it bellowed into the sky above, throwing its hands up into the air. Eclipse looked at it with a hint of distaste in his expression.

"You're a lot... Oh, how do I put this... smaller than I would have expected," he said eyeing the demon skeptically. It seemed to take great offense to his statement.

Tainted Magic, Tainted Blood ~ TSAMS AUWhere stories live. Discover now