Chapter Two

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The rest of the Spring Masquerade Ball went exactly as Princess Y/N expected it to. She was approached by countless maidens, all asking her endless questions about her engagement. They bombarded her with their own opinions about the marriage, begged to be invited, and even expressed their jealousy of her for getting the opportunity.

By the time Eclipse offered for them to take their leave, she was so relieved she almost hugged him on the spot. Social events could be fun when she wanted them to be, but after the day she'd had, there was nothing more she wanted to do than curl up in her bed and sleep.

Eclipse offered to walk her back to her chambers, but she politely refused. He tried to insist, but she only doubled down in assuring him that she was more than capable of handling walking to the same room she's been in her whole life. He watched her as she walked away, irritation souring any ounce of positivity he may have had left.

"Why is she so stubborn?" he asked aggressively, not really knowing if he wanted an answer from his advisor or not. Still, Solar Flare gave his opinion anyways.

"I have a theory, actually, sir. If you don't mind." Eclipse stared at him for a moment, waiting for him to continue. "I don't think this is a matter that should be discussed in the corridor, though."

And with that, the two of them headed back to Eclipse's study, Solar Flare ordering the guard at the door the same way he always did. Once the door shut, Solar made his way over to the desk that Eclipse took to sitting at. "Sir, I am led to believe that while the star may have erased the memories of the past, it didn't erase the feelings associated with those memories."

Eclipse looked up at Solar Flare, blinking in confusion. "Go on," he said, leaning backwards and pulling his leg up to rest on his knee.

"Well, originally you thought that by erasing Sun and Moon from the princess's memories, she would simply move on from how she felt. You changed the past she knew, but only through her memories. Every instance of her spending time with the twins is either erased, or manipulated to seem as though you were the one with her instead of them. Thus, you're the only one that she'd spent all of her teenage years with. But for some reason, she doesn't treat you as if that were the case.

"Tonight, when Moon showed up, she seemed to have no recollection of who he was, but they still instantaneously... clicked," he continued, bringing up his hands and interlacing his fingers to visualize his statement. "That leads me to believe that while she might not remember the past in her mind, it is her heart that still remembers everything."

Eclipse stayed in his position, rubbing his finger beneath his nose as he stayed deep in thought. Could that even be possible? He rewrote everything, he thought. Every ounce of memory that Princess Y/N had about Sun and Moon was changed so that he was the one she had fallen in love with. But even with that, he couldn't make her actively be in love with him now. It would make her indifference to him make a lot more sense, actually...

That damn blood demon, Eclipse thought angrily, now moving to stand from his chair. He had been told that the star could grant every wish imaginable. But now here he was, finding out about some stupid contingency with feelings.

"Get the room set up," he ordered Solar Flare, turning to the bookshelf behind him and pulling out the book of blood magic. He flipped through the pages until he found the one the BloodMoon had scribbled a different spell for how to summon him, now that he was blood-bound to him. Solar pushed the desk back slightly, drew the curtains, and rolled the carpet up to place at the bottom of the door to the study.

Eclipse stood in the center of the room and held the book up so he could read the spell correctly the first time, while Solar Flare stepped off to the side and out of harm's way.

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