Again, he paused.

"That is a fair point, you mentioned lavender earlier?"

Delilah tried her best not to show her excitement, barely noticing as Slughorn slipped away to greet someone else.

"Yes, I've done some research and found out that it doesn't have any sugar, and the flavor is pretty potent. Plus, it also is used to cure small poisonings."

Mr. Bourne slowly nodded, saying, "It also has some other healing properties, which could be useful for the cuts most werewolves get during full moons. Have you already tried making the potion?"

Delilah sighed. "I've made the normal potion before, but I haven't had the time to experiment with it yet. I did most of my experiments in the past two years since homework wasn't as stressful, though once I do get around to it, there are some other things I'd like to try." Like all the notes from Harry's potions book, since she refused to use them until she knew for a fact that they worked and why.

Mr. Bourne nodded. He really liked to do that.

"Understandable, what year are you in?"

"I'm a sixth year."

"Ah, so you're just starting N.E.W.T. level classes. That's very stressful. What classes are you taking?"

"Potions, Alchemy, Herbology, Charms, and Transfiguration."

"Quite the handful. Is Flitwick still the Charms teacher?"

"Thankfully, I wouldn't be passing that class if it wasn't for him," Delilah joked.

Mr. Bourne chuckled.

"He is a very good teacher. I learned more from him than all the other teachers."

"Not even Slughorn?"

He lowered his voice, glancing around quickly around them before answering.

"He doesn't really teach much, just tells you what to do. I'm really only here because I owe him a few favors."

Delilah agreed. Slughorn had probably helped him at the beginning of his career, either giving recommendations or money, maybe even both.

Before she could vocalize her thoughts, Hermione desperately ran up to her.

"Help me, Harry's not here yet and I need to hide from Cormac."

Delilah rolled her eyes.

"Nice meeting you, Mr. Bourne." She shook his hand. "Thank you for the assistance."

"You can call me Phineas, and it was my pleasure. If you have any more questions feel free to owl me."

Delilah nodded, smiling sincerely.

"Thank you."

And she let Hermione drag her to a hidden area behind a curtain.

"We should be safe here. We'll be able to see him coming."

"Why did you invite him anyway? If you really wanted to make him jealous then you should have brought Harry. It's obvious how he always feels second best to Harry, something I understand." More than she'd like Hermione to know in fact.

Hermione huffed.

"I know, I just didn't think of that until I had already asked Cormac, and by then it was too late."

Delilah rolled her eyes.

"So are you ready to admit that you like Ron then? Why else would you want to make him jealous?"

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