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💜Mal's POV💜
"Once upon a time, long long ago." I start, reading a book to a class of kids and my friend Gwen. My daughters Malina and Bethany are listening and so are Evie and Doug's son Devon and daughters Ellie and Diana, Carlos and Beatrice's daughter Bianca and their son Cameron, Jay and Lonnie's son Jason and daughter Lily, Gwen's adopted daughter Carla, and Allyson and Quinn's adoptive kids Aiden, Cora, and Annabeth.

"Well, more like forty years ago, Belle married her beast in front of six thousand of their closest, personal friends. Big cake. Yeah, so, instead of a honeymoon, Beast united all of the kingdoms and got himself elected King of the United States of Auradon. He rounded up all the villains and sidekicks, basically all the really interesting people." The kids giggle and laugh, making me smile.

"And he booted them off to the Isle of the Lost with a magical barrier to keep them there."

"That was our hood, kids." Quinn said, walking hand in hand with Allyson.

"The Isle had no Wi-Fi, no magic and no way out." Gwen said.

"Or so we thought." I winked. "Let me tell you the story of the king and queen and all the friends We've made along the way."

Anyone understand the references in this chapter?

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