-The beginning to the end-

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Day 1 - First Day of 7th grade

Hi, it's me Eric Cartman today I met the most handsome boy in my life. He's just so perfect I think he is new to my school but man am I happy he chose this school. It's like the universe knew that we were supposed to be together

-Flashback to earlier that day -

Cartman ,Kyle,Stan,&Kenny were all sitting at their lunch table when suddenly a shy kinda skiddish blonde boy sat in an empty seat at their table.

The boy immediately caught Cartman's eye, " Oooo ~ I think that's the new kid."

All the other boys turn and look at him, Kenny chimmed in " Oh yea that is, I think his name is Tweek."

Kyle turns back to his friends " yea it is I have math class with him, he said he was from Canada"

Cartman looked even more interested in the boy " Canada? That's actually not that far from here. I wonder why he moved here out of all places, I meann I'm not complaining."

Kenny looks at Cartman with a smirk " Does our little Cartman have a thing for the new kid ~"

Cartman kinda chokes on his milk " WHAT NO that's gay and I'm not gay "

Kenny looking kinda suspicious at Cartman, " Are you sure about that big boy ~"

Cartman reaching over and slapping Kenny's arm, " Yes I'm sure also DON'T CALL ME BIG BOY! Poor boy"

Kenny being mockingly offended, " Well at least I'm not fat."

Cartman grabs Kenny's sleeve, "I'M NOT FAT I'M BIG BONED!"

Stan laughs, " Yea what ever you say Cartman."

-The Bell Rings -
Kyle stands up " Come on guys let's get to class "

Cartman slowly getting up while looking at Tweek " yea yea you guys go I'll be there in a second."

Cartman walks over to Tweek but as he gets closer Tweek shoots up and basically runs away from him. " Why the hell did he run away so scared? Is someone here bullying him already? If I find out who did this to him I will make them regret ever getting near him and his perfect everything."

Cartman decides the get to class after Tweek ran away. When he arrived at his class he noticed that Tweek had the same class, Cartman immediately went and sat down next to the boy. When Cartman sat down Tweek immediately straightened his posture and started to nervously fidget.

Cartman turns to Tweek, " Hey you must be the new kid~" Tweek kinda jumps at Cartman talking, " O-Oh yea I am "

Cartman kinda inched closer and put out his hand, " The names Eric Cartman , Pleasure to met cha."

Tweek hesitantly takes Cartmans hand, " H-Hi my name is Tweek Tweak"

Cartman lets go of his hand, " So why did you and your family decide to come to South Park?"

Tweek pulls his hand back into his lap and starts to fidget again, " Oh well, My parents wanted to start a coffee business but it wasn't working out in Canada so we decided to move here but I personally didn't want to." {class starts }

-After class-
Cartman stands up about to leave , " So Do you know where your next class is or do you need help finding it ? "

Tweek stands up and starts to walk away, " Oh no I'm good Thank you though!"

Cartman waits a second before Tweek leaves the class and he starts to follow him. He stays a good distance but not to far so he can still see / smell his amazing scent. Once Tweek entered his class, Cartman had to walk all the way back to his class but the tardy bell had rang. " Shit I'm late I need to hurry, Kyle is gonna scold me so hard for being late to this class." Cartman finally gets to class and sorted next to Kyle.

Kyle turns to Cartman , " Why the hell were you late?!"

Cartman leans back a little, " oh sorry I got stuck behind some really slow people."

Kyle side eyeing him, " Yea really slow people. Anyways class is started so pay attention because this is very important."

Cartman getting his stuff out of his bag, " I know I know I'm paying attention I swear."

-After school-

Cartman stayed back so he could follow Tweek home and find out where he lives. About 5 minutes after school ended Tweek came out and started to rush home, Cartman had to speed walk to keep up with him, " Shit why is he in such a hurry!? I can't get to close to him or else he will know that I'm following him." After about 15 minutes they arrived to Tweek house, Cartman hid behind a small wall. "So this is where he lives huh~~"

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