H.M.M - Mine 💛 (F.Reader)

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-Y/N: Your Name (But you will go after a different name later on)

[Michael Myers Little Sister]

(Btw this is based of the Halloween 1978 movie and where Laurie is Michaels sister. I will try to stick as closely as I can so sorry if I get anything wrong)

3rd POV

Halloween night 1963, a young boy only 6 years old stood outside of his house. He was wearing his Halloween costume, a clown and holding a bloody knife. The boy's parents had just pulled up to their house after a night out. "Michael?" the father asked the young boy, Michael. He pulled off the clown mask he was wearing but Michael didn't say anything and just looked ahead. No one could imagine what had happened in that house that fatal night. The young boy named Michael Myers had killed his older sister, 15 years old Judith Myers and her boyfriend 16 year old, Daniel Hodges. The only survivor of these horrendous murders was the youngest Myers, 2 year old Angel. Michael was sent to Smith Grove, Illinois after the police were called. 8 months later on May 22 1964, the Myers family welcomed their newest member, Y/n Myers. Edith and Donald were overjoyed to have her but also felt regret. It felt like they were replacing Judith but soon got over that feeling when a now 3 year old Angel saw her younger sister. Edith and Donald decided to tell Michael about his new sister. When the nurse gave Michael the latter, something changed. He wouldn't put down the latter and just stared at it. A few months later on January 3 1965, tragedy struck when Edith and Donald got into a car accident, killing them both. This left 3 year old Angel and 7 month old Y/n as orphans. Lucky, Mr and Mrs Strode had adopted both girls. They decided to change both girls' names to get them away from their past. Angel was named Laurie while Y/n was named Cynthia. The girl grows up, not knowing their past until 15 years later.


I was finishing packing my bag while Laurie was telling me to hurry up. I had just started High school, 9th grade while Laurie was in 12th grade. We walked out of the house, Laurie carrying her text books. Dad followed us outside and reminded Laurie not to forget to drop off the key to a house he was going to try to sell. "I won't!" Laurie said and we continued to walk. As we walked to school we ran into Tommy, a boy that Laurie babysits. I had met the boy a few times and even joined Laurie babysitting him. Laurie was going to babysit him tonight because his mother had to work late. It was Halloween today but I don't have any plans. "Laurie, can Cynthia come over? I don't want her to be alone on Halloween!" Tommy said. "I guess so, what do you say Cynthia?" Laurie asked me. "Sure, I have nothing else to do" I said as we walked to the Myers house so Laurie could drop off the key, Tommy was asking all these different questions. Tommy grabbed Laurie's arm to stop her. "You're not supposed to go up there!" Tommy said. She went up to the house and dropped off the key. Tommy held onto my arm as he watched Laurie get close to the house. "Don't worry Tommy, I'm here to protect you in case the boogeyman comes out" I said. "Don't put those ideas in Tommy's head Cynthia, it's just a myth" Laurie said as she walked back to us. I suddenly felt eyes on me, like someone was staring at me. Tommy left to go to school while me and Laurie head off to our school. Laurie started to sing a song that she sang often while we walked. I still felt the eyes on me but didn't dare look around. I couldn't tell where they were coming from. 

I was now in my Algebra class, I started to toon out and stared out the window. My eyes caught a glimpse of a police car with a man outside. The man was wearing a white mask with brown hair. He was looking at the school but I felt like he was staring at me, the same feeling as on the walk here. 'Who is that man, it's a little early to get dressed up for tonight' I thought. "Cynthia! Pay attention" Mr. C said to me. "Sorry sir" I said. Mr. C went back to teaching and when I looked back outside, the car and man were gone. After school I met up with Laurie who was with Lynda Van der Klok, Laurie's friend. Lynda was complaining about having no time to rest tomorrow and lighting a cigarette. As we walked more we heard someone calling out to us. It was Annie Brackett, another one of Laurie's friends. Annie was now complaining that none of us waited for her, even after 15 minutes of waiting. Annie said that her boyfriend, Paul held her up while sharing a cigarette with Lynda. Laurie stopped us because she forgot her chemistry book. As Lynda was saying it was fine, the same car from earlier came down the street. I looked over to Laurie and it looks like she also recognised the car. Annie said something that must have pissed off the driver because he came to a sharp brack. "Annie, I don't think that was a good idea" I said. "Oh it's fine Cynthia, if he tries anything I will just tell my father. Gosh that driver can't get a joke" Annie said. Annie's father is the sheriff so it was true.

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