Chapter 10 (Logical)

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Jisoo woke up by the time the sun was just showing itself to the world .

It was around 6 in the morning. she didn't had a peaceful sleep last night, some thoughts were disturbing her.

She was that person who will think of something till the last moment.

until she knows the answer behind ,these habbit of her resulted to be quite helpful in her studies.

but these time it was none other than taehyung,  a stranger she met who she don't think can ever erase his presence from her mind.

She woke up early with the thought to make hangover soup for taehyung.

he had three bottles of soju last night , he would probably need that .

One thing she was confused within herself why do she care if he got a hangover or not it's his responsibility.

  but she can't stop herself to do the soup for him. She knew she will somehow fell happy after doing.

She first went to check on him, but he was nowhere she checked the washroom ,the balcony he was nowhere.

She was arranging the bed when she got a letter lying right at the left corner of the bed, she quickly unfolded it

Ms Jisoo ,

I would not Write some very touching lines as I can't , but for the meanwhile I won't be able to meet you I got an urgent work.
By the next week when your exams will end .
I would surely come to wish you congratulations.
And thanks for everything you did for me till now   but wait these doesn't mean that we won't meet each other .
I can't let that happen.
Anyways bye for rest of the week a very good luck for your exams.

  From,Tae tae

He used the name which she once called him by mistake.

"Its not that he was my close one or something,  what would I do by knowing where he went , I didn't know a single thing about him leaving his name and age "

Jisoo talked to herself, she felt a little sad at some point but she neglected that thought.

When she checked her cupboard, she was out of groceries.

she without wasting much time wore her hoodie up of her pajamas took her purse and went of.

She let out a cry of frustration when ,all the near by shops were close she can clearly remember that today there was no national holiday.

She was just a few blocks away from her apartment.

  so she went back wore some decent clothes and took a bus to the down town market it was still early.

she assumed that she will be done before its 8.

She didn't felt like driving so she preferred the bus.

She was searching for some instant noodles, when she saw her friends together shopping.

But one more person was also their with Jennie and Kyle ,when they got near she remember it was jennie's boyfriend she met him once .

His name to be exact was something yoongi, yeah yeah it was yoongi  .

She was going to call them but she forgot that last day she just disappeared with taehyung in front of them .

And since then she have switched off her cell ,she knew that jennie had called her , so she can't risk it .

She was tiptoeing but her bad luck some noodles fell by the movement of her arm.

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