Motherly Advise- NaTzu

Start from the beginning

No one's POV:

"Your Jeongyeon-Unnie and I just had a disagreement at the plane." trying my best to explain to her the situation. "We haven't talked since we landed. But, we just needed some space." giving Tzuyu a reassuring smile.

Tzuyu: "Ok, unnie. I trust you both. As long as you're not getting a divorce. Because I will miss you if I live with Jeongyeon-unnie."

Nayeon: "Why? Would you pick Jeongyen-unnie over me?" Feighing hurt.

Tzuyu: "Because she cooks good food." shrugging her shoulders trying to sound indifferent knowing it will trigger her unnie which was the plan.

Nayeon "Hey, I don't starve you. I always ask if you want to eat and buy you food all the time."

Tzuyu: "But it's different if it's a homecooked meal." looking at Nayeon with her signature doe eyes.

Nayeon "Ugh! Fine! Go live with Jeong! I'll take Chaeng."

Tzuyu: "Nope, Chaeng said she'll live with Jeongyeon-unnie too." 

Nayeon "What?! WHY?!"

Tzuyu: "Chaeng once told me that Jeongyeon-unnie and her were also having this conversation that if you two file a divorce and Chaeng chooses Jeongyeon, unnie. She was  promised her a Lego set every month." taking a sip of her drink.

Nayeon: "Ugh! Of course she bribes you two! Cheng with toys and you with food and all I can give is love.. and looks of course." touching her face making Tzuyu chuckle as the maknae took out her phone as well and took some snaps of Nayeon complimenting herself while looking at the front camera of her own phone.

Tzuyu: "And you wonder why we chose Jeongyeon-unnie over you."

Nayeon glared at Tyuzu making the maknae giggle that her "Mother Nayeon" is offended by her savageness.

Tzuyu "I'm kidding, Unnie." she chuckled.

Nayeon: "Hmmmpp.. Good. Because I was about to say; I will adopt Sana and Mina as revenge." she smirked but she then saw the change in expression of her youngest group member.

Nayeon "So... How are you and Sana doing?"

Tzuyu:*sighs* "I don't know what we are anymore, Unnie."

Nayeon can see the sadness in Tzuyu's eyes and reached out to touch the maknae's hand in a show of support for her to continue on.

Tzuyu: "The never-ending flirting.. Her being clingy one minute then cold the next minute.. The push and pull.. I don't know what else to do with her, Unnie." bowing her head.

Nayeon: "What about telling her how you really feel?" making Tzuyu look at the eldest' eyes who was staring at her with utmost sincerity.

Tzuyu: "I.. I can't, Unnie."

Nayeon: "Why not?"

Tzuyu: "Because I don't want to lose her once she rejects me."

Nayeon: "Rejects you? Why will she reject you?"

Tzuyu: "I accept my faith, Unnie. Don't give me a smidge of hope that she MIGHT be interested in me."

"Because she is Tzuyu-ah!"

The maknae just rolled her eyes on the older bandmate.

Nayeon: "Listen to me Tzu. After all these years we've been together as a group; I can honestly say; you and Sana have mutual feelings for each other for a long time now but you both are too scared to admit it. We girls have tried so hard to be subtle but I think it's time you grow some balls and finally make a move."

Tzuyu: "Y-you think Sana likes me too?"

Nayeon: "Probably more than you like her?" she giggled before slapping Tzuyu's hand and taking another bite at her food.

Tzuyu: "A-And.. Am I hearing this right? You are supporting my lovelife?"

Nayeon: "Tzuyu-shi, you're all grown up already. And as much as I don't want to admit it, but I have to agree with Jeongyeon; that I have to support you in having a relationship and let you be happy. As long as it's Sana! Because she's the only one I trust for you."

The taller girl squeezed her unnie's hand and gave her a wide smile that reaches her eyes making Nayeon even more happy, seeing her "youngest kid" this way.

Tzuyu: "Thank you, Unnie. Tell you what; I will confess to her, as soon as you and Jeongyeon-unnie make up. ok?" raising a challenging eyebrow.

Nayeon: "Deal. But get ready, because Jeongyeon and I will make out.. I mean.. make up by lunch time." winking at her kid who had a disgusted look on her face.

Tzuyu: "UNNIE!" covering her ears and closing her eyes not wanting to hear her 2yeon "parents'" intimate details.

Nayeon: "Now you know where you get your "evilness" from." 

Both girls laughed at each other as they finished their breakfast before posting each other's photos in social media and headed back to the hotel room where they went for a quick nap before rehearsals and saw the love of their lives talking to each other. 

Nayeon: "I'll talk to Jeongyeon right now. And remember; whatever you do or say to Sana, whatever happens next, your Jeongyeon-unnie and I are always here and we are proud of you,  Tzuyu-shi."

Giving the youngest some words of encouragement and hugged Tzuyu tightly before Nayeon walked towards Jeongyeon while Sana looked at Tzuyu's direction with the Maknae sighing deeply as she approached the Japanese and gently held her hand out for Sana to take so they can have a little chat by the sidelines before soundcheck.

---------------------------------------------------THE END----------------------------------------------------

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