Chapter 6 Simulations

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It was to give the country some closure, they said.

It was funny how far technology had advanced over the years. What humanity was capable now of making. And yet, Philippines still couldn't help but be amazed when something new was brought into the world, even if the product was questionable.

As they sat with other countries in their assigned group for this session, they thought about what the instructor had told them. They would essentially be going into their own minds to confront the demons of their past. The aim was to be able to face it, and take what steps they needed, either to fight, or to talk. Whichever will work for them, so long as they make progress. Someone will be in the room with them to administer the test and monitor them just in case something went wrong.

That last bit unnerved them, if the concept of this session didn't already.

Down the hall, they could hear what could only be the screams of South Korea. They couldn't exactly make it out clearly, given it was in his native tongue, but they guessed it was bad. Hopefully, he will be okay the next time they see him.

"Philippines Manila?" someone called to them from the door.

They looked, finding that Somalia was just exiting. She didn't look too good and double-checked from her perch in the doorway before going outside. Mauritius stood up, holding his arms out so she could hold onto him in an embrace. Zambezi, who was seated just beside them, patted her back gently.

Philippines got up from their spot and went inside when the administer cleared her throat to get their attention. They looked around the room, finding it to be reminiscent to a room in the hospital, albeit with a chair rather than a bed. The ceiling had some kind of monkey print pattern, possibly to try and cheer up whoever was coming in here. Philippines found it rather cute.

"Right, if you would sit down, Philippines, I'll be giving you the serum. I'm Bea, by the way" she introduced herself, wanting to ease them.

"Nice to meet you" they greeted as they took their seat.

"Okay, now, I assume you've been briefed with how this all works, yes?" When they nodded, she continued. "Good. Now, I can't promise this won't hurt. Physically, you won't feel any pain. But once you're under, well, think of it like a bad dream. It can't really hurt you and I'll be right here in case there's an emergency and will wake you up soon as possible, okay?"

They nodded, feeling a bit more comfortable at the reassurance. Beau then came over with what looked like strawberry juice in a plastic cup. From the smell, Philippines recognized what it was. Simulation serums were a tricky business and only rarely used given the components used to make them and the worrying side effects.

Taking a deep breath, Philippines drank down the cup, set it aside, and let themselves lean back on the chair. It wasn't long before they drifted.

To be fair, they didn't like the idea of going up to them. They only let them out once when they were under Spain's rule but that was to simply make them leave, before being sold to America that is. But after that, they quickly sealed them back in to avoid causing any damage.

Now, they were going to meet again.

Philippines knew Martial from the look in their eyes that they would love nothing more than to get out and take revenge on those countries. Philippines held their own resentment towards their former colonizers, but didn't hate them enough to do onto them what they did to them. They weren't about to stoop down to that level.

Martial Law stood before them just a few feet away, a smug but cruel look on their face. Their flag was similar to that of Philippines' own, but the red and blue have switched places, blue below and red on top, signifying war. He was wearing a dark jet-black navy uniform, an arm band that notes 'KKK' on his left arm and a medal that represents the sun in the flag but with a gold outline and a black fill.

"Hello, Philipp" he spoke up.

"Hello, Martial" the country greeted back.

"How long has it been since we last spoke like this? Feels like forever, and you seem to be doing just fine"

"Oh, I've been doing great, thank you"

"And how are your dorm mates?"

"Just fine" they gritted their teeth.

"Even though they are..."


They chuckled. "Seems I struck a nerve there"

"Well, it was a good longganisa"

"And you seem to be getting along well with North Korea" they mused. "Heard his brother's here too"

Philippines sighed. "If you're going to keep trying to piss me off, you have to stay on topic"

"I thought you would like a little variety up to discuss"

The country sighed, pinching the bridge of their nose with a hand. Martial Law often liked to do this in the early aftermath of those days, albeit it was while Philippines was still conscious. Perhaps it would've worked once upon a time, but now they just wanted to get out.

"I'm waking up now"

"Fine, but I know you'll be back"

The country offered them one last glance before coming back to reality.

Philippines registered the brightness of the lightbulb as they woke up. Looking to their side, Bea was taking note and putting the clipboard aside to check on them, now that they were getting their bearings.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

They nodded, holding their head. The serum wasn't too bad, but the after effects made them want to go back to bed.

"Alright then, I will be letting the next person in and you to reflect on what you just experienced. Try and write down your feelings in the journal you each brought and that will be all for our session today"

They nodded, getting up and going to the door. Peru was outside waiting for them, concern on their face given what the last country was like just a while ago. They let themselves be led back to their earlier seat as Bea called in Alaska.

Philippines took out their journal to write down, looking up to the rest who were present. Belarus was trying to comfort Sudan for what she had seen. Mexico was talking to Texas about his experience while continuing to write. She nodded as she listened, her own hand scribbling down her encounter.

A door then slammed open up the hallway.

"WHERE'S MY BABY?!" came America's frantic voice.

How many children does that guy even have?

Philippines groaned, turning to their notebook. Mangaasar

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