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Author's pov

Here this girl is being late for her work by sleeping more , making it late for the work. Finally with great difficult, She  woke up when her alarm kept distributing her ear drums.

She looked herself before brushing her teeth and scrunched her nose disgustingly seeing her own reflection. She then grabbed her towel and marched towards the bathroom for refreshing herself.

She came out and wore her clothes which were messed up in her wodrobe. She then grabbed her coat and hurriedly left her flat . She soon reached at the hospital and made her way inside the hospital, she bowed to the watchman and greeted him with warm smile.

She mouthed "good morning" and found her friend , who was ready to appreciate her. She gave her a slay smile.


Sana:"why the hell  did you ruin my diet last night yn??"

Sana asked mentally being irritated by her friend.

Yn:"what I did??"

Yn asked playing innocent card.

Sana:"asks the one who is  assailant!"

Sana huffed in anger and continued.

Sana:"you got me drunk last night due to which I had to lot of fatty foods. You ruined my diet plan"

Yn:"ooh I'm sorry "

Sana glared at her and marched away from her.

Yn:"look baby I'm sorry"



Meanwhile our male lead

Minho:"Mr jeon, don't forget you have your meeting with Mr Martin"

The person with his dark aura nodded with a humm while his eyes were still fixed on the screen of laptop.

♥♥:"by the way Mr Minho did you prepare the paperwork for meetings huh?"

Minho:"uh-huh, it's almost done Mr jeon"

♥♥:"Hmm want it on my table 2 minutes"

Minho:"yea-yes sir"


Author's pov

Yn was resting in her cabin , the break was needed cause she has been working without any break from past 8hours.

Sana:"girl do you know today my dad has set a party , as today is my mom's birthday and the hot topic is , jeon's are also coming"

Yn:" jeon's???"

Sana:"hmm yeah do know
'jk groupon'

Yn:"yeah I have heard about that company"

Sana: "and the CEO of the company is jeon jungkook as my dad and jungkook's dad are friends they are coming to attend the party as well as their son might come"


Sana:"soooo you should also attend my mom's birthday."

Yn:" oh! Aunty's birthday. I'll surely attend"

Sana:"yeah don't be late"

Yn:"alright gurl"

Both of them left the cabin and continued to check on their patients.
Author's  pov-

The man sighed heavily after completing his meeting with Martin. He went back to his cabin and opened the files which were placed on his table,  but Minho interrupted him.

Minho:"uh jungkook your mom has informed you to visit her "

Jungkook huffed in annoyance and spoke.

Jk:"well inform her I'll reach their soon"


He reached at parking lot and seated himself on the driving seat and road to his parents mansion.


Soon he reached at his parents mansion and came down while the guards and maids bowed him mouthing 'good evening' while jungkook nodded at them and cleared his throat after going inside.


k's mom : "good evening love"

Jk:" good evening mom"

Jk's mom:" dear-"

Jk :"is it about marriage if it is then a big Noo!"

Jk's dad:"ooh son you came this much early, *he said in pure sarcasm* well , my friend has arranged a party as today is his wife's birthday so we planned to take you also"

Jk:"if this is what you wanted to tell me you could have texted it right"

Jk's mom:"now don't you want to come with us"

Jk:"how can I deny you mom, I will come just for you"

I will go just for my mom and dad and it's just a simple party with cringie's . My parents happiness is mine, only these two God's have seen my real self.

Author's pov

Yn was waiting for taxi she will regret if she go late . She was being stressed about the taxi. Soon the taxi reaches to her, not killing more time she hops inside and reaches her apartment.

She makes her way to her flat after paying the cash for the taxi driver and takes a warm bath relaxing her muscles. She came out wrapping towel around her body. She opened the cupboard and tried searching for a elegant dress to wear upon.

Yn:"ugh! I not make up which one these I should wear"

She kept thinking, making it more late for party. Well it would be hard for anyone to choose the best and a elegant one.

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Will be continued ~

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