Chapter 23: End

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I stumbled towards the place that promised solace and serenity, my heart pounding in my chest.

The grand mansion stood before me like a foreboding giant, its imposing presence casting a dark shadow over my trembling figure.

As I approached, the weight of my actions hung heavily on my shoulders, and the scent of blood mingled with the stale odor of my unwashed teal suit, intertwining in a sickening symphony.

With a surge of despair and anger, I couldn't contain the overwhelming emotions any longer. "Is this what you wanted?" I bellowed, the words echoing through the empty halls. "For me to extinguish my sister's life? Fine, you have it! I did it!" The confession tore from my lips, each word dripping with the bitter taste of regret.

Tears streamed down my face as I continued to shout, my voice cracking under the weight of my guilt. "I stabbed her! Her life slipped away, leaving her body cold and lifeless in my trembling hands!"

The rawness of my admission pierced the stillness of the mansion, the truth hanging heavy in the air. "I killed my sister! Just... just take me away from this wretched existence! Take me away from this unbearable struggle!"

My body convulsed, overwhelmed by the enormity of what I had done, and I fell to my knees, my cries of anguish filling the empty space around me.

The anguish in my soul was mirrored by the emptiness sprawled out before me, as Rachel's lifeless body lay motionless on the ground.

The realization sank in, an agonizing truth that I could scarcely comprehend. I had taken her life, a fact that now consumed my every waking thought.

Oh God, what had I done? The weight of my actions pressed upon me, threatening to crush my spirit.

Desperation clawed at my throat, and I desperately covered my mouth, attempting to suppress the bile that rose within me.

But suddenly, the door swung open, revealing Felix's dark, twisted presence. His eyes glowed an ethereal blue, illuminating his wicked smirk, a chilling manifestation of his sinister pleasure.

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