Chapter 8: Her school

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I woke up to the blinding rays of sunlight piercing through the colossal window.

However, this wasn't the delightful sight one would typically expect.

It was a grim reminder that I had to get Rachel ready for school. As I sat up, still groggy from sleep, I glanced over to find Rachel's side of the bed empty.

Panic surged through my veins like a lightning bolt.

Without wasting a second, I bolted out of the room, my shoes pounding against the hardwood floor as I raced down the grand staircase.

Each step seemed to amplify the urgency that pulsed within me.

My mind was a whirlwind of terrifying possibilities. Could something terrible have happened to Rachel? Had someone taken her? The fear grew with each second that ticked away.

In the distance, I heard Rachel's tiny voice echoing through the house. My heart skipped a beat, and my legs propelled me even faster towards the source of her voice.

"Why is this so crunchy?" she questioned innocently, her voice ringing through the air. But my mind, poisoned by fear, conjured up the worst scenarios imaginable. What if Jameson or Felix whatever his stupid name is- was hurting Rachel to get back at me? My breath hitched as I imagined the worst.

I burst into the kitchen, my eyes frantically scanning the room.

And there she was, sitting at the kitchen counter, devouring a stack of pancakes. Relief washed over me, but my protective instincts were still on high alert.

Without a second thought, I rushed over and squished the pancakes, my actions fueled by irrational fear.

"Hey!" Rachel protested, her voice filled with confusion. But my focus was solely on ensuring her safety. I meticulously checked every morsel of food, my hands searching for any hint of danger.

To my immense relief, there was nothing. No glass, no harmful substance. Just pancakes. I looked at Rachel's face, her eyes rolling in exasperation as she got off the chair.

Jameson watched the chaos unfold with amusement.

"If you wanted my food, just say that," Rachel huffed, her annoyance palpable.

"Come on, Racheal, let's go," Jameson spoke with a hint of excitement, and I furrowed my brow, sensing something unusual.

"Where the hell do you think you're taking my sister?" I demanded, my voice laced with concern and protectiveness.

"He's taking me to school," Racheal replied, her voice filled with a mix of anticipation and defiance.

I shifted my gaze towards Jameson and couldn't help but notice his transformed appearance.

He was dressed impeccably, wearing a sleek black suit that accentuated his toned physique. His wrists were adorned with sparkling diamond watches, a stark contrast to his usual casual attire.

My eyes darted back to Racheal, and my heart skipped a beat. She, too, was dressed in designer clothing and shoes that exuded elegance and sophistication. The sight made me gulp, as I struggled to comprehend the sudden change in their appearances.

What the hell was going on?

"Come on, Jameson, we're going to be late," Racheal chimed in, her voice filled with a mixture of excitement and affection as she reached out and clasped Jameson's hand.

Seeing them together, a surge of unease coursed through my veins.

"I'm coming too!" I declared firmly, my voice betraying the underlying distrust I felt toward Jameson.

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