Chapter 12: the kiss

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As we settled into our seats, the anticipation of trying all the delightful flavors of ice cream filled the air. Each scoop held the promise of a new and exciting taste, teasing our taste buds with its creamy sweetness.

Amidst our playful banter, he turned to me with a mischievous smile. "So, what's your favorite?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. "Is it still mint chocolate?"

I pondered for a moment, contemplating the myriad of choices we had just explored. "Actually," I replied, a newfound confidence in my voice, "I think I prefer the butter pecan."

A knowing smirk appeared on his face as he reached for the strawberry ice cream. With a gentle hand, he passed it to me, a silent invitation to explore yet another flavor. 

"Oh- I can't eat that...I'm allergic to strawberries," I spoke, my voice tinged with caution. "I mean, even a single touch will give me a rash," I explained, hoping to emphasize the severity of my allergy.

"Oh-" he said, seemingly unconcerned. "Well, more for me," he added with a mischievous grin, licking the ice cream as if taunting my unfortunate predicament.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I decided to divert the conversation. "What's your favorite flavor?" I asked, my eyes fixed on him as I took a bite of the cone of my ice cream, trying to distract myself from the tempting strawberries.

"Do you wanna taste it?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of playfulness.

"Yeah, sure," I replied, my curiosity piqued.

He leaned closer, his face mere inches away from mine. Before I could fully comprehend what was happening, his lips pressed against mine, sending shockwaves through my body.

 The ice cream slipped from my hand, forgotten, as my eyes widened in astonishment. 

I was at a loss for what to do with the rest of my body, but my tongue instinctively intertwined with his, as if guided by an invisible force.

He pulled away, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, and a smile playing on his lips. "Did you taste it?" he asked, his voice filled with satisfaction.

"Taste what-" I began to reply, but before I could finish my sentence, a distinct flavor lingered in my mouth. The taste of strawberries! My eyes flew open in shock, realization hitting me like a ton of bricks. That sneaky conniving asshole!

"We have to go to the hospital!" I scream urgently, panic coursing through my veins.

"I thought you wanted to pick up your sister... I mean, it's already getting late," he says nonchalantly, leaning casually on the bench. And he's right, damn it! It's so late, and my sister is still at school all by herself. Anything could happen to her.

"You asshole!" I shout, my frustration boiling over.

"You shouldn't have put glass in my food!" he yells back, his anger matching mine. I want to argue, to defend myself, but right now, I have to prioritize my sister's safety.

"Come on! We have to pick up my sister!" I shout urgently, my voice filled with a mixture of fear and determination. Time is running out, and I can't bear the thought of something happening to her while we waste precious minutes in this pointless argument.   


We finally arrived at my sister's school, and as I glanced out the car window, my heart skipped a beat. There she stood, drenched in the pouring rain, her body shivering from the cold. Without a second thought, I flung open the car door, not even bothering to wait for it to come to a complete stop, and hurried towards her.

As I reached her, I could see the exhaustion in her eyes, her nose and ears turning a shade of crimson. It was clear that she was sick. Without a moment's hesitation, I scooped her up into my arms, holding her close to my chest, offering her the warmth she so desperately needed. But as I turned around, I noticed Felix standing there, also drenched and shivering, but my focus remained solely on my sister.

With Rachel safely in my arms, I made my way back to the car, Felix following closely behind. "Take us back to the house," Felix commanded the driver, and soon the car started moving. The atmosphere inside was heavy with silence, only interrupted by the rhythmic patter of rain against the windows.

Rachel's sniffles and occasional sobs filled the air, reminding me of her discomfort. As she nestled her head onto my shoulder, her small voice broke through the silence. "You have a rash around your lips, brother," she pointed out, concern evident in her tone. I gingerly touched my lips, feeling the burning sensation within, but I couldn't let her see my pain.

"I know," I replied, my voice strained. "I accidentally licked some strawberry ice cream." I couldn't bear to tell her the truth, that the pain in my mouth was far more than just an innocent mishap.

"Are you serious?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with anger and hurt. "You were eating ice cream while I was left out in the rain, freezing cold!" The weight of her words hit me like a jolt of electricity, and my eyes shot open, realizing the magnitude of my mistake.

"N-no," I stammered, my voice trembling with uncertainty. I frantically scanned the surroundings, my eyes landing on an ice cream cone resting in the cupholder. It was the butter pecan flavor, my absolute favorite, but without a second thought, I snatched it up and handed it to her. 

I stole a fleeting glance at the cone, its creamy swirls of golden butter pecan tempting my taste buds. But I pushed aside my desires, focusing solely on her happiness. "I mean, I only tried it because I wanted to see if you'd like it - and, um, the tire was flat, so..." I trailed off, weaving a lie to explain my impulsive act. However, my feeble excuse fell on deaf ears as she continued to devour my ice cream, her satisfaction evident in each lick and bite.

The sight of her relishing my favorite treat, oblivious to my sacrifice, tugged at my heart. But I swallowed my disappointment, burying it deep within, determined to keep her content. After all, her happiness was worth any price, even if it meant surrendering my own desires.

Together forever and ever Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon