Chapter 17: Before Doom.

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I woke up to the gentle rays of sunlight streaming through the curtains, illuminating the room with a warm glow. As I slowly opened my eyes,

I found Felix lying beside me, his body sprawled on his back. A faint blush tinted his cheeks, adding a touch of vulnerability to his handsome face.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at me, his gaze filled with a mix of curiosity and desire.

Suddenly, he spoke, his voice filled with a mischievous tone. "You suck dick well," he said, a playful grin spreading across her lips. My face flushed with embarrassment, and I quickly averted my gaze, feeling a mixture of shyness and excitement.

Rising from the bed, Felix sat up and made his way to the bathroom. He returned with a small jar of cream in his hand, a gesture filled with tenderness and care. Sensing his intentions,

I also sat up, my heart filled with trust and a sense of intimacy that only we shared.

With gentle hands, he began applying the cream over my chest, thighs, and back, tracing the places where he had left his mark.

"My driver already took your sister to school," he said, his voice filled with a mix of authority and curiosity. His eyes met mine, as if searching for a glimmer of excitement.

"Do you want to go to school today?" he asked, his words hanging in the air like a delicate dance of possibility. I hesitated, my mind racing with conflicting thoughts.

"Are you going?" I wondered aloud, my voice betraying a hint of uncertainty. His response lingered, as if time itself paused to listen.

"I'm...suspended for three days," his words came out slowly, as if each syllable carried the weight of consequence.

"Then I don't want to go," I declared

"Aren't you going to homecoming with Molly tonight?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation.

I hesitated for a moment, my heart pounding in my chest. "I want to go with you," I finally spoke, my voice barely above a whisper. He let out a sigh, a mix of relief and amusement, before bursting into laughter.

"Well, which one of us will be wearing the dress?" he asked, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. His question was laced with playful sarcasm, but beneath the humor, there was a hint of longing. "Just... go with her..."

I desperately tried to protest, to find the right words to convince him otherwise, but he swiftly stopped me, his hand gently covering my mouth. There was a tenderness in his touch, a silent plea to trust him.

"Once you return..." he began, his voice filled with a mix of determination and vulnerability. "We can be together... and we can do anything... together. We can go anywhere you like, just the two of us... because... we love each other, don't we?" His eyes narrowed, searching for reassurance. "You do love me... and only me, don't you?" Slowly, he moved his hand away from my mouth, waiting for my answer.

I stared into his eyes, a million emotions swirling within me. Fear, uncertainty, but also an unwavering love.

"Y-yeah, of course," I managed to say, my voice quivering. And as those words left my lips, a genuine smile spread across his face, erasing all doubt.

"Good," he said, his voice filled with relief and joy. "Now let's find you a suit."


I stood in front of the mirror, I had decided to experiment with my hair, cutting it myself, and as I beheld my reflection, a strange sensation washed over me.

It felt surreal to see myself in the mirror, transformed by my own hand. But as I looked closer, a sense of satisfaction surged through me. I looked good, confident, and undeniably like Felix.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, shattering the quiet moment. Molly, my date for the evening, had arrived.

I hurried downstairs, passing by Racheal, who was engrossed in watching the TV. But it wasn't just any TV; it was an insanely large screen that dominated the living room. Rachael's head turned towards me, a warm smile crossing her lips.

"You look like a prince," she complimented, her voice filled with genuine admiration.

"Thanks," I replied, feeling a surge of confidence. I glanced at the door, where Felix stood chatting with Molly. Molly looked stunning in a teal dress that perfectly matched my suit.

"You look good," I said to her. I awkwardly side-hugged her, and a blush crept onto her cheeks.

As we prepared to leave, Felix couldn't help but inject some humor into the situation. "You guys have a good time," he grinned mischievously, addressing Molly. "But if you bring him back home late, I'll rip out your gums." Molly laughed, taking his threat in good humor.

"Bye, brother!" Racheal called out as we made our way towards Molly's car. I waved back, feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves.

Stepping into the car, I couldn't help but notice the luxuriousness of the vehicle, a testament to Molly's wealth.

But Felix's car - well, cars are better, so I can't really be impressed - was a sleek black sports car, glistening under the streetlights. I glanced over at Molly, who was putting on some lip gloss, her reflection bouncing off the shiny exterior.

"So, why did you invite me to homecoming? We don't even know each other," I said, my voice filled with curiosity. Molly turned her head towards me, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

"Exactly," she snapped her fingers, the sound echoing in the car. "That means my ex doesn't know you either." I let out a sigh and crossed my arms, feeling a mix of frustration and intrigue.

"Let me out," I demanded, my tone tinged with annoyance. Molly's eyes widened with surprise,

"What? You didn't really think I liked you, right?" she asked, her voice laced with disbelief. I let out another sigh, this time with a hint of resignation.

"It's just... I don't do teen drama," I explained, my words hanging in the air. As the car came to a sudden stop, my heart raced with uncertainty. Molly grabbed my arm, her touch both reassuring and demanding.

"Please, just trust me on this. Look, my ex is dating my sister, and if I show up with a hot guy - he'll be jealous as hell. So, sit your one-eyed self down," she smirked, a glimmer of excitement in her eyes.

"I won't be a hot guy anymore once he beats me up," I protested. Molly scoffed, brushing off my concerns with a wave of her hand.

"You'll be fine. You're friends with Felix, right? He'll protect you," she reassured me, her confidence unwavering.

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