Chapter 7 - Escape Plan

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"Ughhh... You're right. Sadly this isn't some fantasy world where there are witches or magic... I guess we can't just quickly grow older... we'll have to do it the old normal way, WAIT FOR TIME..." Hailey sighed.

"Also, even if we go through you're plan, how would you get into the Championship?" I asked out of curiosity, not that I sort of wanted the plan to work...

"As I told you, I'll be you're plus one. As long as a Beaumont tells them someone is their friend. The staff will let them in the championship. Oh don't give me that face... do you really have 0 faith in me? I mean I've seen Ms. Beaumont and Principal Heinrich do-" Hailey stopped


"WHAT uhhh I mean uhhh...." Hailey panicked. While Hailey is really smart, she's terrible with excuses and lying.

"Hailey tell the truth..." I said with a cold look.

"Okay so... well my mom might've heard some gossip that back before Mr. Heinrich back before he became Principal of Mellifluous Classical School, and when he couldn't enter the championship. Ms Roseanne Beaumont, your mom actually was the one that told the guards to let him in and the guard did just that, with no questions asked. Not only that, apparently Mr. Heinrich got to go anywhere around the championship stadium with Ms. Beaumont. Well, technically this was back when Ms. Beaumont was still only financed with Mr. Beaumont. And this was their first ever win in the championship, so if Ms. Beaumont who wasn't officially a Beaumont yet and hasn't won the championship, gets to bring Mr. Heinrich with ease... shouldn't we be able to do the same.." Hailey explained.

"Well..." I said, lost for words... As much as this is "gossip" since it's from Ms. Chantae. There's now an 80% chance that it's true. Ms. Chantae is a typical Mom who enjoys gossip, however, she makes sure it's true first before spreading it, Since she told Hailey about it, it's probably true. Plus, I can now see more clearly why Dad gets mad anytime Mr. Heinrich is mentioned.

"Since we're still underaged. I guess we'll have to wait another 2 years..." Hailey sighed.

"2 years... so when we're 18? but you need to at least be 21 to get in the championship..." I asked.

"Well you're brother Lucas went to the championship when he was 18 right? So you can too" Hailey asked. No, I can't Lucas and I are different, he's a classical genius, and I'm a classical dummy.

"But-" I was about to say.

"SHOOT! it's 5 already? I have a magazine photo shoot today. Mom will be so mad if I'm late." Hailey panicked. Unlike me, Hailey is quite popular and Ms. Chantae has strong connections everywhere in the classical districts. The Chantae family is classified as one of the higher-up families here because of her. So, Hailey also got many good opportunities thanks to her, Plus, Hailey is pretty and talented too, like my brother. Once again, I'm a nobody compared to them.

"Anyways Maddie, this is a bit much but if this is the last time I'll meet you in person, I'll make sure it isn't the last time we can talk. But I'll still try to convince my mom to meet you, I heard my Mom's starting to build a relationship with your mom," Hailey reassured me as she started standing up.

"I guess you're right..." I smiled.

To be continued...


Thank you so much for reading, see ya next chapter!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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