Resurgence ❈

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No she can't be here. As soon as I laid eyes on her, I felt a mixture of emotions wash over me. I was happy to see her, but also filled with a sense of hurt and betrayal that I thought I had long since moved past. I remembered the way she had broken my heart, and how it felt like my entire world was falling apart. And yet, here she was, standing in front of me as if nothing had ever happened.

I wanted to scream at her, to tell her how much her actions had hurt me and how much I had suffered. But instead, I just stood there, staring at her, feeling a thousand different things all at once. I knew that I should have been angry, but all I felt was a deep sense of sadness and longing. It was as if there was a part of me that was still in love with her, even after all this time.

"Hey". I came back to my senses when she called me. I was still staring at her, the memories became fresh, every second I remember like it happened yesterday.

"How are you doing?". She asked again. She has curiosity in her eyes, there was no pain, regret, hurt, she never considered me one of her, when i consider her my world.

"What are you doing here?". These words left my lips, my whole body was shaking. Why is she here? Why did she come back? She stared at me with no emotion in her eyes.

"Nothing, just wanted to meet you". She said, looking down. No. "Are you here for another scheme of yours? Do you really think I want to meet you after what you have done?". I said, coldly to her.

She isn't fazed by my questions. She knew I'm going to say that.

"How's our son doing?". She questioned. "He's not your son". I screamed at her.

"You left him, he got birth through you but he's not your fucking son. Don't fucking try to go near him". I threatened her.

"I just want to spend 1 month with him. Can i?". She said, making my blood boil.

I felt a surge of rage course through my veins, and I couldn't hold back my emotions any longer. I let loose with a barrage of insults and accusations, letting her know exactly what I thought of her.

I grabbed her collar and pushed her against the wall. "You don't even deserve a second with him. You walked out of his life, the day he was born, you abandoned him".

Before she could say anything, my hand was removed from her collar by some force. "Don't touch her". Someone said, holding my hand tight.

It was a Man in a gray suit. He has blond hair, perfectly defined jaw, clean shaved, black eyes like a death is sitting there.

I pulled my hand from his grip. "Listen, take her and I don't want her near my son again". I said, moving and picking up my bag.

"Listen to her". He said. He has a deep voice. His deep voice echoed the area, like a rolling fog creeping through the streets. It was a voice that commanded attention, a voice that demanded to be heard. It had a weight to it, a sense of strength and authority that made him seem larger than life. It was a voice that made people stop and listen, a voice that made them want to follow.

"Did she listen to me? No". I said, leaving from there.

"Y/N, let's go". His words ring in my ears. I looked at him. Tall, muscular, hurt in his eyes. "He's so mad". I whispered. "It's okay, let's go. He have every right to be mad, angry, furious". He added.

"You're right, i did worse with him, Theo". I said. "It's been 1 week since you said my name". He said, coming close to me. "Let's go". He said, holding my hand.

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