Chapter 8- A Humble Reunion

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Tilly ran through the streets of the enemy fortress. The Hawks had taken it with little to no effort. All that was left was the mercinary leader of the army, who Guts and his men had already cornered and were waiting to finish off. So she thought.
Currently, Tilly and her clean-up squadron, or so they were called, were cleaning out the City of any straggling enemy soldiera caught in a retreat or hiding.

A quick movement flashed in her periphery of a soldier darting down the alleyway ahead, and without waisting any time, Tilly quickly popped in an arrow and shot him down. The body collapsed mid run and stumbled to the dirt, blood quickly pooling around the wound.

"Nice shot, Captain! You really got him."
Tilly was working with two of her right-hand people. One of them was Gentry, a fellow aid and archer, whose chain mail was jingling and shuffling loudly next to Tilly with every move he made. And the other was Wadson, who was just pulled from Gut's Unit to be an emergency backup sword and shield.

The majority of Tilly's Unit was split up, but she wasn't too worried about them. She very RARELY had casualties once they got to this phase in the takeover.

Tilly looked at Gentry, listening around from any additional movement. Aside from The Hawk's general Clamor. They has about finished the general task.

The sound of armor clanking echoed towards them as Tilly reached for another arrow but stopped when she saw the familiar face of Gaston rapidly approach them out of Breath. "Comander Tilly!" Gaston yelled. Tilly mirrored the look of worry on his face.
"Gaston, what's wrong? Did you take the leader."

"N-no. He's an animal, nothing like we gave ever seen. We sent in 50 men and none of them came out So commander Guts..."

"He went in alone." Tilly finished the sentence. Her face turning white. "Surely, he can take the leader. Its Guts. It's Commander Guts-." She thought for a moment and took off running in the Direction Gaston came from tworard the hold where they had the leader cornered. She pulled out her Rally Horn and blew twice as loud as she could, twice meant with me. The great sound echoed through the Alley ways, alerting all of her archers to come towards her. She kept blowing in paired blasts as she ran, quickly running out of air, and yet still pushing on.

As she arrived to the place, most of the Hawk's were already gathered with Griffith quickly taking command.
"Archers! With me" He commanded as Tilly Quickly fell into Griffiths command.
"Now! Move! Any one that can, grab a Cross bow!" Tilly yelled, commanding as she should for her men. The sound of armor stomping echoed as they filed into the busted doorway where Guts was fighting for his life.
The first thing that Tilly noticed was the smell. That sour pungent, heavy smell of the inside of bodies. Then she noticed the carnage. There was blood splattered on every surface. Organs, body parts and chunks of flesh and hair, scattered as if these grown men (all of which were wearing armor) were nothing more than paper.
Tilly wanted to throw up, but quickly pulled herself together thinking that Guts, if he was still alive, was fighting this... she could hear some of the men vomit as they ran. But at Tilly stole herself and harnessed her courage, so did they. They weren't just going to be out done by the smallest commander.
Giant horns were the first thing that came into view, followed by the lion like behemoth they were attached to. "What the hell is that?" Tilly whispered as she took a firing position and held waiting for Griffith's comand. Her men fell in line around her and held as well. Her eyes scanned the room and all the horrors it held. All of the bodies of her comrads littered the floor unceremoniously. And worst of all, among them, was a battered, broken and bloodied Guts, laying strewn under a cracked blood stained colomb. Her eyes watered with fury as the creature loomed Over him, ready to kill.
Griffith's voice boomed in the small shape, "Fire!"
Every other line of archers shot off their cross bow so the line behind them could reload so there was a constant volley of arrows flying at the Creature. Most of the arrows hit their mark, embedding deep within the creature's flesh. It brought up its arm quickly to block its face. But it didn't go down. In fact, it seemed to only anger it.

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