Chapter 5- Rescue

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-This chapter depicts mentions of Rape, attempted rape, violence, gore, and depictions of PTSD mental break downs-

Tilly held the thin silver chain In her hands as she sat in the extravagant bath. The two dead eyed attendants were with her, baithing her and scrubbing her skin down with the finest soaps and soothing oils she had ever felt. While this was the most luxurious treatment she had ever received in her life. She still couldn't help but feel like she was a turkey being basted for a feast. She took a deep breath of the lavender oils trying to calm her nerves, but she knew that soon she was going to be in the situation of Do or die.
Finally, she was able to get a better look at the two scrubbing down her arms and torso. One was a boy, either her age or slightly younger. Usually, she would have felt uncomfortable being around a boy while completely naked, but she could tell that behind his well-kept blonde hair and his sad blue eyes was absolutely nothing. It was as if all of the life had drained from his face, and he was just going through the motions. The girl next to him, who was now using the rag of oils to scub on Tilly's chest, seemed slightly better, but more so, it seemed that she just hid her feelings away better.
The girls rag hovered over Tilly's scars. She had holes where she had been hit with an Arrow, several slices of old sword and knife cuts and loads of fresh bruising and chafing from the battle earlier that day. "This simply won't do." She grumbled.
"It will have to." Tilly responded, "otherwise, I want to go home."

"There is no home..." The boy spoke just under his breath while brushing through Tilly's wet brown hair and pulling out dirt, tangles, and debris.

Tilly clutched onto her necklace that Griffith gave her. "Your master insisted on a souvineer from his experience with the mercinary band, so he should have thought whether I was enough or not before he tried to buy me."

There was. Still silence for the rest of the bath. Somewhere in Tilly's heart, she pitied the two helping her, but her mind was busy and focused on the task at hand. The boy left the room while the girl dried Tilly off and continued to moisturize her skin with lotions and fine oils. When the boy returned, he brought back a sheer white gown that Tilly had to wear. You could still see the outline and the details of her body underneath. It was more of a veil, slightly obscuring her body rather than actually covering it.

From there, the boy left as the girl escorted Tilly to a bedroom in the high tower.
"You will wait here till the master arrives. You will serve him well and and you will do what he says. We do not have a say, and for your life and for your safety, you will comply."
Tilly rolled her eyes and sat on the bed and took off the necklace that Griffith gave her and held it in her hands. "I will do what I must." She breathed, prepping herself. Thank you for taking care of me. I wish you well." Tilly tried to give her a thank you and goodbye without being too obvious that she has no intention of staying. She was either going to take him down or die trying, but this man was not going to have her.

She waited, sitting on the bed for what felt like an hour. Realistically, it was less time, but she was so nervous and brimming with fear that time was moving so slowly.
The moon was high in the sky and trickling in through the window. The shadows of the room danced in the moonlight and from the two torches flickering on the wall. The room that Tilly sat in waiting was just as extravagant as the rest of the castle. There was a red decorated floral tapestry hanging on the wall. The dresser was full of gold and bronze decorations and jewelry for a woman. More than likely gifts for her to try to buy her affection, as well as a bowl of incense that added to the smells that Tilly was already contributing to.  A silver mirror reflected Tilly wearing her veiled dress on the feather down bed. She looked at herself. Clean, beautiful, groomed. Her hair was beginning to dry and show the blond highlights. Her skin had a dewy glow to it, and her cheeks and lips had a natural blush pink to them. All of this was highlighted by the bath she had just received.

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