Chapter 7- A new Goal for Living

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The sound of Hooves stampeded through the woods as fast as their leader could go. Tilly dug her heels into the soft spot of her steed, urging it to gallop faster. Guts was on the other side of the forest, completely alone without cover, singlehandedly facing down the captain of the Black Rams. The same Army that had plowed through almost the entirety of Midland's forces. The Band of the Hawk were now all that stood between these foes and the Capitol.

'Dammit, Guts!' Tilly cursed to herself, Griffith Pulled up along side of her drawing his sword and nodding to her to draw her Bow. They were coming to the edge of the treeline of the forrest. The moment Tilly broke through, she pulled up her bow and quickly began a barrage of arrows at anything that wasn't a reckless man with a giant sword.

There was a panic in the air from the Black Rams as they quickly realized that Guts was not acting alone. They looked up from the line of fire at the arrows and immediately began to scream. "THE BAND OF THE HAWK!.."

"The mercinary group band led by the white Hawk Griffith!"
"The Grim reapers of the battlefield!"


as Griffith rode out to the opponents, his armed forces galloping right behind him, It was a wave of carnage.
Griffith brought his sword down swiftly and, like butter, carved through the neck of one of the opposing soldiers. Tilly kept her own blade at her side in case she needed it, but she was picking off men at a distance and aiming for the horses on the retreat, making it so fewer and fewer could escape. Just the presence of the Band of the Hawk led to such a panic and such a devastating massacre that, in a matter of moments, the entire tide of the battle had flipped.

The Hawks rode in in a triangle formation, and just like the arrow they were shapped like, they pierced right through the black Rams. And anyone that was knocked to the ground was swiftly trampled to death under a parade of horseshoes.

As the Black Rams retreated, Tilly pulled her horse reigns to make the animal change course to Guts still mounted on his steed, "So much for waiting for your cover." She teased but slightly annoyed that he would recklessly throw himself into danger again...

Guts adjusted his visor and raised his face plate up so he could see her. "Sorry about that. Guess I got excited."

"That's bullshit and you and I both know it." Tilly replied. She took a hushed tone and got in close to Guts so as not to offend anyone listening in. "I know you want to look out for these people, and you dont want anyone to die, but please... don't get yourself killed trying."

He never took his eyes off of Tilly. She had new armor made completely of chain that she wore over a long tunic. You could still see her small waist line with her leather belt strapped, holding the armor back. Around her chest was an additional plate that led to shoulder guards and arm guards. It was much more conducive to how much more involved in the fighting she was with Guts around. This was something he couldn't shake. She used to be more on the side lines, an archer, and a healer but now. Griffith had her in the fiery spots of combat. "

a Flash of silver, caught both of their attention as both of their heads turned to Griffith. He smiled his child like smile and gave a thumbs up to them as an eruption of cheering took over the background.

Tilly smiled as they got through one more battle. They had been helping chip away at the Black Rams for almost a year, since that day at the campsite when Tilly had prepared them the deer, and it was finally coming to an end.


Tilly Rode beside Guts as the army made their way back to Midland. They were used to being treated like common hired hands. However, this time, they were greeted with a heros welcome. They had defended Wyndham and saved the city where the Kings own army had failed, and now they were being honored as the Kings new hired Army, and Griffith was to be knighted.

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