I join her, the simple joy of feeling the sun on my skin making me feel alive and vibrant. "Absolutely," I agree, stretching out beside her. "I can't remember the last time I just lay under the sun without a care in the world."

She opens one eye, giving me a playful side-eye. "We should do this more often, don't you think?"

I chuckle, nodding in agreement. "Definitely. But this is probably the last warm day for a while."

Just then, Fowler shouts from the makeshift volleyball court, his voice loud and cheery. "Hey, you two sun goddesses going to join us or what?"

Valarie sits up, shielding her eyes from the sun to look at him. "Oh, you guys can't handle us," she calls back with a teasing grin.

I join in the banter, shouting, "Yeah, prepare to be amazed!"

With laughs and playful challenges thrown back and forth, Valarie and I get up, ready to join the game, the warmth of the sun still caressing our skins. My book can wait.

The sun glints softly, accentuating the playfulness in the air as we walk towards the guys. A gentle breeze nudges us forward, carrying hints of laughter and eager anticipation. Valarie's voice breaks through the comforting background noise, her tone casual yet tinged with curiosity, "What's the plan with the teams?"

Fowler leans back on his heels, scratching the back of his head, a contemplative look gracing his features. "Well, if we manage to get Marx on board, we'd have even numbers. But if he bails, then we might have to go three against two. You two and one of us versus the other two of us."

I feel my eyebrows knitting together. "Seems a bit off-balance, don't you think? Having three against two?"

Valarie nods, her lips curling into a playful yet defiant smile. "Yeah, and why exactly would we end up being the trio?"

Before Fowler could reply, Locke steps in with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Maybe he meant you ladies might need a little extra muscle on your side."

In tandem, Valarie and I whip our heads towards Fowler, disbelief mirrored in our expressions. Fowler holds up his hands defensively, shaking his head vigorously. "Woah, no, that's not what I meant, swear."

With a confident stride, Valarie steps forward, her decision firm. "Fine, we'll be the ones deciding the teams then." She gestures towards Marx, adding, "Go check if Marx is up for it."

Fowler runs a hand through his hair before trotting towards Marx. We watch intently as Fowler engages in a brief conversation, gesturing towards us occasionally. Marx's gaze sweeps over our little group, lingering on me for a breath too long, an inscrutable expression on his face. I feel a flutter of something as his eyes travel down, assessing me, before he abruptly turns away, his body visibly stiffening.

With a reluctant shake of his head, Marx gives Fowler his answer, leaving a slight tension hanging in the air. The disappointment is palpable as Fowler returns, his shoulders sagging slightly.

Valarie and I exchange a determined glance. The teams would be fair and square, no question about it. We split ourselves up, the line-up brimming with friendly rivalry and teasing banter. "Alright, it's settled then. Me, Locke, and Fowler on one side," she declares, her voice ringing with playful authority. She shoots me a comforting smile before concluding, "And that leaves Cruz and Em."

We split into our respective teams, and a surge of anticipation pulses through me as we stake out our spots on the sandy ground. Across the way, I catch sight of Val, Fowler, and Locke huddling together, their voices a low hum of whispered strategy and shared chuckles. They seem to be coming up with a plan, their heads bowed close together.

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