The love story starts

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3rd person POV:

So, after they got out of the nurse office.

Minho looks down at Jisung and he gently ruffles Jisung's hair

Minho: Thanks, cutie. Minho said, smiling slightly. His cheeks are a bit pink.

Jisung smiled shyly, his face is beet red

Jisung: T-thats nothing! I love comforting people.. Jisung blushed

Minho: I appreciate it. And, you're not annoying. You're just too cute. That what's make you annoying

Jisung blushed

Jisung: i- I'm not cute!

Minho: Yeah, whatever.

Chan and Felix are there, shocked

Both of them approached Minho and Jisung.

Felix: You guys made up? Felix looks at Jisung and then Minho

Minho quickly hid his arms.

Minho: Yep.

Chan noticed something.

Chan: You did that again, didn't you? Chan said, sternly

Minho: Just don't tell my uncle. If you do, you'll be dead. Minho said, coldly as always

Felix, who didn't know a SINGLE thing is confused now. He looks back and forth between the three of the olders

Felix: What..?

Jisung: It's nothing lix! Let's go now, guys! Jisung said smiling

All four of them walks around the hall together, they eventually meet Seungmin with a guy. A new guy I think.

All four of them went to Seungmin

Seungmin: Oh? Hey y'all. Meet Changbin.

Minho: No way.

Changbin: yes fucking way, dude!

Minho and Changbin gave each other a high five.

Chan: hey bro. Chan smiled

Felix: h-hi! M-my name is fel-felixeu- FELIX!

Jisung: My name is Jisung. Nice to meet you jisung smiled softly

Seungmin: So, how did you guys know each other??

Chan: Long story short, we met each other at the company. But Changbin got changed into a rap line so he ended up going to the other academic. But then, you're here because we got a rap line class!!! Chan hugged Changbin tightly

Jisung looks at Felix who was staring at Changbin, he laugh softly with seungmin

Felix looks down, his face is beet red

Minho notice that also, and he chuckled slightly

Changbin: what are you guys laughing about??

Chan: .. Something you didn't know Chan said, chuckling

Changbin is left dumbfounded, having no idea what is so 'funny'

Felix: s-sungie, let's go and get your C-cheesecake!

Jisung laughed, he took seungmin hand and the three best friends walks away

Well, Minho on the other hand are a bit jealous that Jisung is holding seungmin's hand.

Like he said, he want jisung to be close to him. Him only

Minho looks away, annoyed.

Chan: You good bRO? Chan voice cracks which made both of the remaining guy laughed loudly

Chan rolled his eyes, annoyed.

Changbin and Minho clowned him as they walk to hang out. Also trying to find hyunjin.

Changbin: Yo, the Felix kid. Is he a junior?

Chan: Yeah, why?

Minho: I guess changbin is attracted to Felix~ Minho said, teasing Changbin

Changbin: W-what!? No! I- I just.. Okay, fine. I- i kinda got that 'first look love' thing..

Minho and Chan laughed

Chan: Yeah, and I think Felix does too.

Changbin: what? You think? Really?

Minho: Wasn't that obvious? Minho chuckled loudly

Changbin: No.. ?

Both Chan and Minho laughed. Not believing how dumb changbin is.


I seriously had no motivation and ideas, so I'll stop here.

Just got my exam results and they be slipping like banana peel 💀.

I'm kinda disappointed at myself, actually. Like why??

Maybe I'm just dumbass. Anyways, enough talking about my depression.

It's like I fell 1x. Just like when babies try to walk. I had many others chances. It's fine, I guess. Lol.

I'm just believing what Jisung said :) <3.

But that doesn't fix my overthinking issues actually.

Just- Minho is so precious

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Just- Minho is so precious. A simple smile from him is enough to make me happy. Just like the rest of skz member🥲🤍.

I don't think I can live my life through without them, LMAO.

Maybe I would be dead without 'kpop' 💀⚰.

Total words: 665 words.

You And Me // {Minsung}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat