But, of course, living in a household with seven siblings, an overprotective father and grandparents meant he rarely had time alone. Case and point, Bowser knocked on the door abruptly during Ludwig's newest creation---his second symphony, only an hour or so after Lemmy had left.

He paused his music, since the knocking did not stop and massaged his temples.

"Can I come in?"

Ludwig grunted, and the door opened.

"Thanks," Bowser said. "Was that Moonlight Sonata?"

"Actually...it's something original this time."

He chuckled. "Should have known. Either way, it sounded awesome."

"Thank you, father."

"Ha, no problem. I told you practicing every day and remembering your scales is important! You did practice your scales today didn't you?"

He groaned. "Yes, yes I did. Do you need anything or...?"

Bowser's expression faltered at his tone. "I came to check on you. I noticed you weren't at the meeting."

Ludwig's shoulders tensed and he squirmed in his seat. "I was busy."

"This isn't just a one off meeting, Ludwig, this is something that completely changes the system of our land. I need you to be present with important decisions."

"Why? It's not like I'm the heir."

"It's not about being the heir. It's about your responsibilities as prince and the oldest. And spending all day, locked in your room, encouraging your siblings to tease each other---"

"You knew about that?"

"I saw you laugh when Larry bit Junior."

"To be fair, it was incredibly funny."

"No it wasn't---" Bowser exhaled. "I just want to be sure I can count on you."

"You can."

"I only want to see if you are doing alright. You can tell me anything." He nudged the wisps of his wild blue hair with his snout.

"Father!" He hissed, fixing his hair instantly. "Stop it!" He ignored Bowser's flinch. "Enough of this..affection. It's weird. I am not a child anymore."

He cleared his throat. "Sorry, I'm just...I'm trying to do better, Ludwig. Not just for our kingdom, but for you kids as well. I know I haven't been the best Dad---"

Ludwig snorted.

"Or the best role model."

"You took us in when we were hatchlings." Ludwig said. "You had no reason to do so. Yet you did. You gave us a chance that most koopas dream of. I don't know why you're bringing this up now. You've done enough."

"Because I should have been more than that," Bowser confessed. "I should have at least tried to teach you right from wrong instead of letting you kids run wild.

"That's why I made this decision. I hope you understand why I'm going to sign a peace treaty with Princess Peach and the Mushroom Kingdom."

"What?" Ludwig's eyes bugged out comically. "But you've always wanted to rule the Mushroom Kingdom and marry Peach! That was your dream!"

"Son..." Bowser paused. "That wasn't my dream. It was what I thought I wanted and was supposed to do. But I was wrong. I know...it doesn't make much sense, especially after everything."

"Father, please," He cut him off. "I think I'd like to finish my piece now."

Bowser looked as though he wanted to say more, but instead he shook his head and left his son be.

Ever Just the Same (Bowuigi)Where stories live. Discover now