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A mirror, a lone mirror sat there. A mirror surrounded by nothing. It was a beautiful mirror, and little girls are always interested in trinkets, no? The mirror had an eerie glow to it, it seemed to be calling towards her, enticing her to pick it up. It was midnight by now. The sky was an eerie pitch black. The trees swayed in warning, the trees were trying to warn her. The leaves began to rustle violently. Shadows began appearing everywhere. Shadows of god knows what.

Loud wolf howls could be heard as they seemed to come from all sides, they seemed to be getting closer. The rocks stood protectively against the harsh wind. Her H/C hair whipped around violently. The night began to chill, the only light there was that of a faint oil lamp in the distance. The leaves crackled under her as she picked up the mirror, a sense of adrenaline ran through her body. The mirror was cracked slightly, it showed distorted images of her. Blood splatters were on the mirror. Footsteps that weren't hers echoed through the woods. The shadows began to dance, shadow figures were everywhere. Everywhere she looked. The faint oil lamp's light began to fade, as before long it was snuffed out. She was left on her own in this dark forest. The mirror showed her eyes gouged out with blood gushing out, the body wasn't her own, the reflection's hands began to bang against the mirror.

BANG. BANG. BANG. It repeated in an order of threes. Every moment she spent looking in the mirror, those loud footsteps got closer. A faint oil lamp's light returned, except it wasn't. It was something else entirely.

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