i wanna go home!

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"You're not my mama? Oh! You look way too crusty to be my mum!" You said gleefully but those words were gonna sting for awhile.

"Hold on, aren't you a human child? Why are you here?" Thor asked.

"Hey red head! What's your name?" You asked making a joke out of his hair.

"Thor." He responded sharply.

"Okay! Bye!" You said before you ran off. Thor was baffled but then realised he might as well help the kid.

He caught up to you quite quickly. That was no suprise since he is a god.

"How'd you catch up so fast?! You aren't a pedo.. OR ARE YOU?!" You started screaming, "MAMA TOLD ME TO USE THIS ON PEDOS!" You pulled out a pepper spray can that said 'Thot attracter, attract the thots and keep the pedos away WITH THIS! Extra spice and everything not nice! 😼'

Thor then knew, he had fucked up.

platonic record of ragnarok x child! readerWhere stories live. Discover now