my heart will never feel, never feel.

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The child ran. She ran to what seems to be two tombstones by a river.
"Mommy.. please come back.. I promise I won't be a bad child anymore! I'll do anything you want!" The child was crying at the tombstone with the name, M/N L/N engraved on it. The child was you. You were crying over your mums grave. "I can work! I'll do anything! Just please come back mommy.." The child was bawling her eyes out. All she wanted was to imagine that her mother was still alive. "Remember that time you gave me this pepper spray? The guy who stole your gun! I got it back!" She proudly showed it to the tombstone. As if the tombstone was responding. Her mother was long gone and she needed to accept that, but it was too difficult. She is only around four years old. How can she imagine her mother being gone? She knows she is dead. But just wants to imagine that she is still alive. She can still dream, right? All she wanted was to go home. But sadly that would never happen. All she did all night long was sit by the tombstone. Pointing out stars, changing into a pink dress with a giant bow at the back. Her mother loved this dress as a child. Her mother while she was alive gifted it to her. She would doodle little bows and drawings and show her mothers tombstone the drawings. "Look mama look! I drew a bow! It's your favourite colour look!" She showed it to the tombstone. She had shaken Qin Shi Huang and Raiden Tameemon off her trail a long time ago. A purple bow and arrow dropped from the sky. Kind of weird but cool!

 Kind of weird but cool!

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(this is the bow!)

"Mama! Should I do arrow practice??" The child was still talking to the tombstone. It was her only source of comfort in this cruel world.

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