King Vs. Prince

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Dyno: [blush] goodbye oz

Dyno hangs up and sighs. We see the door creak as someone sneaks in, A shadow loomed over dyno, pink glowing eyes emerged as well as succubus wings. Arms emerge slowly wrapping around dyno. 

Dyno: Huh 

Dyno turns around 


Dyno is tackled into the bed. He is then smoother with kisses by verosika.

Verosika: hey baby

Dyno: oh vivi, didn't see you there 

Verosika: then I guess you didn't see this 

Verosika kiss dyno, pulling him close to the point of lifting him off the bed. They depart as verosika smiled.

Veroiska: so who were you talking to earlier 

Dyno: oh nothing special

Verosika: you sure you don't want to tell me

Dyno: nope

Verosika: then take this 

Verodika starts tickling dyno causing him to laugh. Then dyno starts tickle Verosika, they both laugh an roll around the beds they burst fell down and smile.

Verosika: hey, I have a concert in the wraith ring, it's in a few days, so how about you and me rent a hotel and have a little fun 

Dyno: that does sound nice 

Verosika: and you know what [leans in]

Dyno: [leans in to kiss] yeah 

Verosika: maybe your brothers could come to hang out 

Dyno: what?!?

Dyno slips off the bed. Verosika was concerned until her boyfriend shot up.

Dyno: you serious

Verosika: yeah I'm ready to meet them 

Dyno: yes 

Dyno grabs verosika and lifts her in the air spinning. Their foreheads touch as they stare deeply in each others eyes.

- Fortress 

The scene transit to the fortress where we see jaeger getting coffee in the kitchen. Then Martha walks over and snuggles up to jaeger. He chuckles as he pulls her in closer.

Jaeger: well hello beautiful, how you doing 

Martha: mm, I'm doing just fine 

Jaeger: so what you in the mood for 

Martha: hm, let me think, I may want something, tough, chewy, big, strong 

Martha begins to feel Jaeger all over, from his face, down to his his chest to the point she was holding his sharp tail.

Jaeger: from the way you described its sounds like you want me 

Martha: maybe, is that so wrong

She twirls his tail in her fingers, she rubs on his tail causing him to growls. He leans in closer, his eyes show a burning desire, Martha flinches as her odds of escape were closed. She then kisses his tail, sealing the deal. 

Jaeger: I guess not, come mere!

Jaeger lifts Martha up as she squeals, he sits her on the counter proceeding to smother her with kisses. His claws grab her thighs before sliding to her ass. Her claws dig into jaeger back.  

Helluva boss: Jaeger, the devilous impHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin