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(This is the story of how Bree started liking Bonzo and Bronzo started to become a thing)

Bree was cheerleading, as always. Bonzo nervously entered the room,  Eliza by his side. Bucky (who was the cheer capain at the time) shot them both a look as they entered.
"What brings you freaks here!?" He asked.
Eliza shot a look back at him, angrily, before her eyes settled on her best friend. He looked back, still saying nothing.

Bree noticed the tension in the room and immediately jumped to Bonzo and Eliza's defense. She knew they didn't deserve the derogatory term Bucky had used or the harsh treatment they were receiving from him. They might have been zombies but they didn't deserve it! Bucky didn't even know why they were here. Maybe Bonzo wanted to join the cheersquad? She chuckled a little at the thought of a big, long-armed zombie boy doing cheerleading, especially if it involved gymnastics. She might have been able to see Eliza doing it, although she hated cheerleading so the possibility of that was... 0%...

"Bucky, that's not cool," Bree said firmly, stepping forward with a fierce determination in her eyes.

"Yeah, lay off, dude," added another cheerleader, Lacey, who had been observing the situation.

Bucky was taken aback by Bree's boldness and the unpredictable support from Lacey. Lacey was meant to be on his team! Team humans! He reluctantly backed down, realizing that he was outnumbered and losing control of the situation.

Bonzo, who had initially entered the room nervously, wore a mix of astonishment and gratitude on his face as he looked at Bree. He had always admired her spirit from a distance, but he never expected her to come to his defense so boldly.

Eliza, noticing the growing connection between Bree and Bonzo, couldn't help but smile. She had always believed that Bree and Bonzo would make a great pair, both of them were so kind and caring and both did their best to help out in any way they could. She kind of wanted him to have Bree as a girlfriend, if not, a good friend - maybe even a bestie! She'd have to try not to get too jealous!

Bree, sensing the tension in the room dissipate, turned her attention back to Bonzo. She walked over to him, a warm smile playing on her lips.

"Hey, Bonzo," she greeted, her voice filled with genuine concern. "Are you okay? I hope Bucky's behavior didn't get to you."

"Zon... Ag kay."
"He said he's okay." Eliza helpfully translated to a very confused Bree who did not speak Zombie Tongue.

"I'm really glad you're okay," Bree replied, a gentle smile forming on her face. "You and Eliza are both amazing, and I want you to know that I'm here for you."
Bonzo smiled.
"Thanks for sticking up for us." Eliza said.
"You're welcome." Bree replied, kindly.
"Za gazar!" Bonzo said, a little too emotionally.
"What did he say?"
"He said thank you."
"Oh... How'd you say your welcome?"
"Ru'g zerum."
"Oh... Ru'g zerum." Bree repeated.
"I may not understand Zombie Tongue, but I can tell how much your words mean to you," Bree replied, her voice tinged with warmth. "And I want to be there for you the best way I can."
Bonzo's smile got wider.

Since that day, Bree has learnt Zombie Tongue and the two have officially became a couple. And just like we have Zedison - we've got to have Bronzo. And now, we also have Wyliza. That is basically the entire story of how Bonzo and Bree started to talk to each other and eventually became a couple - It was all because of Bucky being a jerk!

Thanks Bucky!

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