We Own The Night

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"Werewolves could never have a relationship!" Willa said to herself. "I don't care if Wyatt has a crush on that stupid zombie! Wolves don't do love! Especially not with aliens!"

She was sitting at her desk in school. She had already finished her work and had found herself staring at A-spen. They glanced back at her and she quickly put her head down. She didn't want them to see her staring. Willa was supposed to be the alpha! She couldn't be caught staring at A-spen. Especially after telling her brother that his relationship was stupid. Especially after Wyatt had explained to his girlfriend that Willa didn't approve. Especially after she has shunned away Addison and Zed after they had been getting a bit too close to each other. And now, she had a crush. And she knew how her friends felt. She made a mental note to apologise to her brother for being so rude about his relationship.

She stopped what she was doing. She couldn't let Wyatt know she had a crush! He was the most loyal person she knew but... With Wyatt... Comes Wynter... And with Wynter... Comes the possibility that you're secrets aren't going to be very secret for long. She decided against telling him about her crush. She was the alpha! The independent alpha. The alpha who didn't need a relationship! What would her pack think if she suddenly spent time with an alien! She didn't even think they'd approve if they were a werewolf! They wasn't in the pack! Yes... They were super cute and pretty smart... But still... They weren't a werewolf... And they didn't get to own the night with her. They were only flesh and bone... Nothing more... Not part of the pack...


Wyatt could sense Willa had something on her mind. At lunch time, she kept staring at A-spen. They turned to look at her too but she would turn away. He could smell it. She was in love. He was happy about this. Maybe Willa wouldn't mind his relationship with Eliza now. Maybe she knew what it felt like now...

In class, she seemed reserved as well. She was fiddling with her hair all the time and trying to avoid eye-contact with A-spen. They just smiled at her when she looked at them. She would smile back but it always looked forced and anxious.
Willa had never had a crush before. She didn't understand what to do. She was seventeen! Everyone else seemed to have a crush since seventh grade! Maybe it's because A-spen had only just arrived in Seabrook recently. She remembered when she was chasing him. She had felt it was strange and... Kind of fun... Especially when A-spen was nearby.
She remembered that A-spen had had a crush on Zed earlier in the year. Maybe they didn't like her. Maybe they only liked Zed. Or... Maybe they liked her too. Only time would tell.
She never really believed in a God but she thought that maybe it was in some kind of God's plan to put them together. Maybe it was the plan that she would never feel love until she met... Her... Soulmate? Was that what they were?
But surely if this was the work of a God... She'd fall in love with a werewolf? An alpha male as handsome, strong and loyal as her own brother....surely would be a better candidate for her... Wouldn't he. But instead, she fell in love with a weak, curious alien. A cute alien... But a weak and strange being all the same.  They weren't part of her pack. They weren't of her flesh and blood... But destiny seemed to call them... And she was sure they felt the same as her. She decided she'd ask them how they felt... But she'd talk to Wyatt about it first.


"Can I have a talk with you, Wyatt? In secret?" She asked the next day when they were in the forest with Willow and Wynter.
"Yeah... What about?"
"I'll tell you... In private!" She said, before turning to her best friend. "Look after my little sister. We will be five or ten minutes at the most."
"Okay!" Wynter said, and busied herself with the five year old pup.
"Where are you going?" Asked Willow.
"Somewhere. We won't be long, okay."

Willa led her brother through the forest to a quiet clearing. The same clearing the bus had crashed in...the same one that had gotten her discovered...
"What do you want to talk about?"He said, timidly. He knew something was wrong with his sister. She... Needed to get something off her chest.
"I... I... I think... I think I have... A... Crush..."
"On who!?"He asked. He was excited but nervous to find out.
" A-spen..."
"I knew it!" Wyatt said, confidently.
"You... You did? But...A-spen... Isn't a werewolf... They are not of our flesh and blood! They are just flesh and bone... Nothing more..."
"No...Willa...if you like them... Tell them... Maybe... They like you back?"
"Oh... Maybe... They do like me..."
"I told you!"
"But... Just don't tell the pack... Yet... Not unless... They definitely like me... And the pack are definitely okay with it..."
"Oh Willa! Of course we are okay with it!"
"But they're wolves! We are wolves! Remember? We own the night! A-spen doesn't..."
"Well...they can... If you let them..."
"What do you mean?" She asked with confusion.
"Let them join the pack. Let them in on your life. That's what I did with Eliza. The pack didn't mind me and Eliza having a relationship... In fact... Most of our pack thinks it's good to have more communication between species. Let A-spen join our pack too."
"Okay...Wyatt... Just... How do I tell them... About my crush..."
"Be straight forward... Just like you don't understand love too much... Neither do they...aliens don't do love either... But you two can change that...You just need to ask them."
"Okay...I will."

Willa and Wyatt trecked back to Wynter and Willow. She picked up her little sister. She huged Willow.
'Tomorrow I ask A-spen."She thought to herself.


She found it hard to sleep that night. She kept thinking about A-spen. She wanted to ask them out but... She didn't know how. Was 'Do you want to go out with me?' too direct? Maybe she had to be direct. They were an alien after all... It was best to be direct with aliens. But what if they refused... What if they didn't like her!? What if she looked stupid in front of everyone!? She stared at her moonstone necklace. She clearly wasn't going to sleep. She tossed her hair back and layed back on the ground. She was in the cave. The safest place for a member of her pack. Yet she felt uneasy. What if it didn't work out!?


The next day, on her way to school, she met up with Wynter and Wyatt. They saw A-spen too. Willa avoided eye-contact again but eventually decided that out of school was better than in the cafeteria or the corridor. She sucked in a deep breath and bravely walked over to her crush. She stood there for a while thinking about what she would actually say.

"Can I help you?"Asked the alien.
She stood there for a while. Her palms were sweating and her heart was beating as fast as a formula 1 car.
"Hello? Willa? That is your name? I think so..."
"Yeah...Willa..."she said.
"So... What do you want? You are... Quite close to me right now..."
She didn't realise how close she was to them. She stepped back. Then she took a deep breath.
That was not at all how she was expecting to sound. She did not sound like a strong, independent alpha... She sounded like a nervous, little girl.
She wanted to cry... Was they turning her down? Did she just get rejected!?
"Could you repeat that?" They asked.
She sighed with relief. They might like her. They might not have rejected her. She took a deep breath as said it, clearer and calmer this time.
"Do you want to go out with me?" She asked.
She was practically shaking with fear whilst they contemplated their answer. After what felt like years, A-spen said their answer.
"Yeah... Yeah... Why not? Sure I will, Willa!"
She was certainly suprised to hear their answer. It wasn't at all what she was expecting. She didn't know what she was expecting. A hard no? A polite but painful excuse? An apology? But not a sure why not! She kind of stood there beaming at them. A-spen grabbed her hand and led her to school. She couldn't have been happier! Her crush hadn't rejected her!

At lunch, she told Wyatt all about it. This was the start of an amazing relationship! She couldn't wait to see what life had in store for them! And she couldn't wait to see how their relationship would grow. She finally felt like the future was in her hands!

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