A-Lan And Zack

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As Eliza walked into the sports hall from the field, she couldn't help but see Zack and Zed waiting for Coach to start their football training. She had just been in a major game and she was tired but still found it impossible not to see that Zack was staring - at A-Lan.
A-Lan was across the hall, showing off to the various groups that had either just finished or just started practise/games. Nobody was paying him any attention and he looked kind of frustrated. Zack was the only one watching.
She smiled to herself. 'Buddies'... Did Zack like A-Lan? She knew that A-Lan definitely liked Zack but she wasn't sure about if Zack liked him back. He might do.

Coach ran over to the football team and left the soccer team to wait for him to come back. They still had to have the end of game talk and discuss when they were to meet again. As she waited, Eliza couldn't help spotting Wyatt in the cheer squad. She waved to him and he smiled back and blew her a kiss. He continued his routine until Addison called them for a break. Then he came over to her.

"Do you think A-Lan likes Zack?" He said.
"Yeah... He's been going on about it for weeks! But the real question is if Zack likes him back."
Wyatt frowned.
"I don't know. To be honest, I don't care much for either of them. But I do like to know who likes who. It can be used as yet another way to embarrass someone...and if anyone needs embarrassing, it's A-Lan."
"And Bucky! He's a jerk! I can't believe I liked him before you came along!" Eliza added.
"You liked Bucky!? Is it even possible to like someone who is that much of a jerk!?"
They both laughed. Then, Coach started the football team on their training and ran over to the soccer team. Wyatt was called over to finish cheer practice. Wyatt gave Eliza a kiss on he cheek before running off to join Addie and Bree (and everyone else on the cheer squad).

"Well done today!" Coach shouted over the noise of all three groups. "Those moves were exceptional everyone!"


As Zack sat talking to Izzy, sat on the curb near the Collibrains stand, he couldn't help feeling something strange. He couldn't stop thinking about A-Lan.
"A-Lan is so cool! He's soooo smart!" He found himself muttering to Izzy.

Izzy raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Oh really? So you like A-Lan now?"

Zack flushed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and excitement. "Well, I don't know if 'like' is the right word... I mean, he's a great guy and we've been hanging out more lately. But I never thought about him that way before. We are just... Buddies..."

Izzy giggled and nudged him teasingly. "You've got a crush, Zack! Admit it!"

Zack's face heated up even more, and he tried to deny it. "No, I don't... I just think he's cool, that's all."

Izzy chuckled and shook her head. "Sure, Zack. Just remember, there's nothing wrong with having feelings for someone. Be honest with yourself and with A-Lan. Who knows, maybe he feels the same way about you?"

Zack thought back to when A-Lan was telling everyone he had a 'boyfriend'

"I think he likes me..."

Zack's voice trailed off as he spoke those words, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. Izzy's eyes widened in surprise. He thought about what it would be like to date A-Lan.

Izzy's words brought him back to reality.
"Isn't it obvious, dumbo?" She teased.

"Well... Yeah... It's kinda obvious that he likes me..."

"Then ask him out! Or are you too chicken?" She spat.
She started making chicken noises at him. "Bawk Bawk Bawk! Chicken! Chicken!"

Zack's face reddened again, this time with frustration. He liked Izzy but she could be a pain sometimes. She didn't know when to quit it. That's what made everyone hate her with burning passion - exept for Zack.
Zack took a deep breath, trying to push aside Izzy's teasing remarks. He knew that her intentions were lighthearted, but he couldn't let her words hold him back. He had made up his mind, and he was going to be brave.

"Maybe I am a little nervous, but I want to take a chance."

"So your asking him out!?" Izzy squeeled excitedly.

"Yeah... Not right now... When the time is right...maybe... Next P.E class? Or is that too... Public? Maybe in the school yard? Or..."

Izzy laughed. "Honestly, I don't care when... Just pick a time and ask him.... And let me know if he says yes! Oh, this is gonna be sooo exciting!!!"


A-Lan was talking to A-Spen and Wynter in the corridors when Zack passed him. Zack stopped. He didn't realise he was staring until A-Spen asked if they could help.
"What's up Buddy?" A-Lan asked, a grin on his face.
"Nowt much... I was wondering if me and you could go on a walk... Alone... Without Wynter!?"
"Yeah... Sure thing buddy!"


They found a quiet spot by the school garden, shielded from prying eyes and ears. Zack could feel his palms damp with sweat and his forehead wet with condensation, but he knew he had to speak from the heart. This was his chance to find out if A-Lan felt the same way.
With trembling words, Zack began, "A-Lan, I've been thinking a lot about what you said the other day...Or week...whenever it was, about having a boyfriend. And... I couldn't stop thinking if that boyfriend could be me."

"Of course it was buddy! You are a boy and you are my friend!" A-Lan said. Zack could tell if he was teasing or not.
"Well... I was wondering... Do you have feelings for me? Do you like me romantically? Because if you do... I would love to be your boyfriend..."
A-Lan's eyes widened in surprise, his gaze locked onto Zack's face. He hesitated for a moment before a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"Wow, Zack, I didn't expect you to feel the same way," A-Lan admitted. "You said we were just buddies!"

"Well... I changed my mind... I've fallen for you A-Lan..."
"You fell!? Are you okay!?"
"No... Not literally... I like you..."
A-Lan's smile grew wider, and his voice filled with genuine happiness. "Yes, Zack! I would love to be your boyfriend! I've liked you for a while now, and I think we would make an amazing couple."
He frowned, "So... You didn't fall over?"
"No A-Lan... I didn't."

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