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Vanna watched the sun set before she stepped outside. She was still burnt but she was okay. She needed to get to A-li. She couldn't live without her! Something drove her towards her. She felt... Suffocated without her. She was so relieved that her mum allowed their relationship. She needed A-li. She needed her. A-li was her everything. She was her life. She was her happiness. A-li was her everything!

Vanna flew to the mothership. Then, she felt herself be teleported up into the ship. She saw her girlfriend in the control room and rushed inside to see her. She couldn't live without her. There was a reason. She was scared. She didn't want to be left. She didn't want her to be taken away. She didn't want A-li to die!


Vanna had had two partners before A-li.
The first was a young, human boy. The boy was eight and she was about five hundred and fifty. He did not know she was a vampire. He thought her to be a sweet little girl. He believed her to be six or seven years old. This was almost one thousand years ago. The boy loved her. He loved her so much that as he grew older, he began to miss her when he was at school or after a while, whilst he was working.

However, Vanna did not seem to age with him. She stayed the sweet little girl for what seemed like forever. The boy went off to war and when he returned, Vanna seemed to still be the six or seven year old girl he had met in his childhood. Sometimes, he thought he was imagining her. Others could see her though...he couldn't have imagined her.
After some time, he realised she couldn't be seen in a mirror and thought that surely everyone was crazy! She couldn't be seen. Surely, she didn't exist. Perhaps, he had made her up. Then, surely wouldn't she had joined him at the war camp? Or perhaps, he imagined she stayed since there were no women at the camp.
Eventually, he died. Vanna cried. It was part of being (almost) immortal. People would die. Friends would pass in and out of her life. She didn't have another relationship until nearly five hundred years later.

The second man she loved, was a vampire. He was also about 1000, though he was older by almost two hundred years. He would spend all his time by her. He'd even sleep with her on the roof of their cave.
Vanna was paranoid. She had heard what the sun could do to a vampire. She had her reasons too. Not only had it severely burnt her, it had killed her boyfriend. He had been flying on his last round, around the forest, when it began to rise. He was so close to the cave - so close...
There was no A-li to save him. Nobody to lend him a coat or hat. Vanna had seen it. She watched him drop to the floor, screaming. Then, she watched as his body turned to ash and got swept away by the wind. She had tried to help - really, she had. But it was no use. Her father snatched her out of the sun and told her never, ever to stay out when the sun was coming up. She had disobeyed. She had stayed out. She was suprised her mother forgave her.


A-li showed Vanna how to control the ship. Obviously, she didn't make it move but she showed her how it would be controlled if they were to set off again. Vanna seemed distracted. She was remembering her last two relationships. She was scared she would loose A-li too.

A-li could tell that Vanna had something on her mind. She stood up and led her to her own room.

"What's wrong?" She asked, when they were alone.
"I... I don't want to lose you too..."
"Too? What do you mean?"
Vanna explained about her two boyfriends.
"That's horrible! They both died! That's so sad!"
"Yeah... You won't die will you A-li!?"
"No... I don't plan to die any time soon... Aliens usually live for a long time... I'm not going to live forever but...I'm not leaving you any time soon. And I will stay with you until the time comes for me to depart this world."
"I promise. I will stay with you until death does us apart."
"Do you swear?"
"I swear! I am never, ever breaking up with you!"
"Thank you A-li."

The girls spent the rest of the day in A-li's room. Vanna never wanted to leave but in the early hours of the morning she had to before the sun came out again.
"Bye Vanna. No hugs this time, promise."
"Yeah...bye A-li."
Vanna turned into a bat and flew away. This time she didn't get burnt by the sun. She got home safely. And she got there in time for dinner.

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