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A-Lan had, at first, not bothered about his cousins' relationships. He did not much care for a girlfriend. He found girls rather annoying and time-consuming. He didn't like how they seem to want him to do everything little thing right.

A-Lan was content on his own. Somehow somebody had convinced him being a 'jerk' was a good thing so, being an alien, he thought it actually was. He probably won't get a girlfriend introducting himself as the king of jerks anyway...
A-Lan didn't want a parter. Well... He thought he didn't...


"What do you find so amazing about Vanna?" He asked his cousin, A-Li one day.
"Well... I think she's cute and kinda mysterious... A bit like me..." A-Li replied.
A-Lan pondered this response.
"I suppose you could be a little right. She's definitely a mystery to me!" He giggled.
A-Li laughed.
"Yeah... Nobody else knows much about her. Exept me..."
A-Lan thought about something for a few seconds. Then he opened his mouth to say something but nothing cane out. He thought for a while and then said,
"Do you think maybe the reason I don't seem to like any girls... Is because I'm... What's it called... LGBTQ+ or something..." He said.
His cousin thought about this for a little.
"Yeah...that would make sense."She smiled at him." Don't worry cuz...that's not a bad thing! I came out of the closet and when you are ready you can too."
A-Lan looked confused at this.
"I wasn't in a closet..." A-Lan said, confused as ever.
"That's just something people say when they tell someone how they truly identify. There is no actual closet involved. I was confused when I first heard it too..."
"Man... I hate metaphors!" A-Lan scowled.


The next few days passed without incident. Nobody really did much - just the same old routine of wake up, eat, go to school ect.
Then,after a few days, A-Lan decided to begin his hunt for a boyfriend.

He did however have a very slim chance of finding one. He had to find a boy who he liked, that also liked boys and didn't mind that he was an alien. That practically ruled out the majority of humans. And all the werewolves that attended school. That was just Willa, Wynter and Wyatt. Wyatt was the only boy and he already had a partner. It also ruled out a large portion of zombies. A-Lan sighed. Maybe finding a boyfriend would be more difficult than he thought...or maybe this boy would find him...


Two weeks later, A-Lan was in the P.E hall doing push-ups. That's when the football team came back from the field. He knew it was the football team because they were all wearing helmets and jerseys and Zed was at the front with Wynter at the rear. Wynter looked almost too happy to be on the team and had several times gotten over-excited and ended up running into something or throwing the ball a little too hard (and completely missing the score posts all together).

A-Lan continued his workout and didn't think the football team to be a big deal. That is, until one boy walked past. The boy was slightly skinier than the rest of the team and  his green hair was long and his face extremely pale. However, A-Lan immediately felt this twag on his heart. He couldn't help but stare at the boy and completely forgot that he was mid push-up. The boy that he was staring at turned away, scared that A-Lan thought he was strange. He quickly hurried out of the hall to get changed into his regular clothes and A-Lan was left in the hall (not quite alone since Wynter had stopped and gotten distracted by a poster on the wall, despite her litracy skills not being brilliant).

A-Lan saw the boy once again the next day. They were both in the library reading about football. The boy put down his book and asked A-Lan for his name.
"M...m...my name?" He stuttered.
"Yes. Your name. What is it?"
"A... A... A... A-Lan."
Why was he so nervous!?
"The names Zack. Yeah... I am the one that sells coli-brains and hangs out with his mum... The lame one...why do you keep staring?"
"Uh... Because... Because I like you..."
Zack seemed taken aback. "You like me?"
"You like like me? Like... Romantically?"
Zack stared on confused. Clearly nobody had ever said that before.
"Is this a prank?"
"Are you sure?" Zack asked carefully. "I'm just Zed's lame friend who he doesn't even talk to that often anymore! Why do you like me!?"
"I don't know. I just do."
Zack smiled.
"Well... I think I'm starting to like you to A-Lan. You're a bit of a funny little guy. I like that."
"So...you wanna hang out sometime?" A-Lan asked.
"Sure... Why don't we... Go to the park?"
"Sure... Tuesday?"
"Tuesday sounds good. After school, 4pm."
A-Lan nodded. He wanted to scream. This guy actually wanted to go out with him!

To Zack this was a friendly conversation. He didn't have that much feelings for A-Lan romantically. But he did want him as a buddy. And if this buddy turned into a boyfriend so be it. Although deep inside he did like Zed although he didn't want to tell him that. After all, Zed already had Addison. He didn't need Zack. For now, he had A-Lan though. His buddy. His own true friend.

As far as A-Lan was concerned they were partners already. He wouldn't stop going on and on about having a 'boyfriend'. When he told this to Zack he pointed out they were not 'boyfriends' yet. They were buddies. A-Lan didn't mind this though. A buddy was better than nothing and he liked this buddy title. He wanted to be the best buddy ever.

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