Chapetr 2

197 2 0

Chloe's P.O.V

I woke up and checked my phone to see the time it was 9:45, I decided to check Twitter and tweet and follow a few of my viewers, a few moments later my phone buzzed it was a tweet from Zoe that read:
@zozebo: can't wait to see one of my bestest friends in the world @Chloe_Star
I favourited it and retweeted it before I tweeted her back saying:
@Chloe_Star: me either missed my best friend @zozebo
I decided I had been on my phone for way to long and decided to have a shower. When I got out the shower I shoved my hair up in to a towel and decided to do my make up I put on my normal everyday make up which was not to crazy just foundation concealer a light pink blush some mascara, eyeliner and a nude pink lipstick. once my make up was done I decided to curl my now dry hair which was blonde ombré (picture at the top). I them picked out my white ripped skinny jeans and a black crop Top which was tight in my petite figure it was a lovely day so I decided not to wear a coat I packed my suitcase the night before as I was staying with Zoë for a couple of weeks which I was supper exited for. checked the time on my phone one last time before putting on my black top shop skater shoes and my ray ban sunglasses . I left my house and waited for my dad to pick me up and drop me off at the airport . the flight was only an hour from Glasgow to London where Zoe was going to pick me up, I decided i would edit a video on the plane that was due to go up on Sunday it was a sibling tag that I done with my older brother josh.

Dear Joe (a Joe sugg fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu