Chapter 5: Goddess

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A/N: enjoy

TW: Needles 

Nerezza's POV

Ugh, my arm is itchy and what is on my face, as I try to move my other arm I realize there was a weight on it, and whatever that weight is just moved and I think started to talk, but I didn't listen as I tried to scratch my arm but this weight stopped me, now I listened as I tried to open my eyes.

"Hey, don't do that it has to stay a little longer. Can you open your eyes for me, please? Alex, she's awake!" The light above me makes me shut my eyes again, When I try the second time the lights are dimmer and I am able to look around a little though it is blurry. "Hey, how are you feeling."

As I look at Kara's face I see her giving me a gentle smile and feel her hand gently rubbing my arm, I realize it's because Alex had come in and was standing at my other arm which I realized had a needle in it, I tried to move my hand to rip the thing out but Kara's hand stops me.

"Nerezza, can you hear me," I nod and Alex shines a small light in my eyes I try to close them but she holds them open. "Good, how are you feeling."

I tried to speak but realized that would be very difficult as my throat was dry and there was something over my mouth and nose, Kara slowly lifted it off my face and gently sat me up, She gave me some water, and I just blushed this was the nicest she been to me.

"B-bett-er" I stutter through the word, Kara looks at me her hand resting on my leg as Alex nods.

"Good, anything still hurt?" She asks kindly, I shake my head the pain truly being gone, I still felt tired but my powers were there now.

"Hey, do you think you are up for some questions, Nothing bad, but we would like some answers," Kara asked kindly, The question she asked meant she knew something and wanted more details. I was tired and wanted more sleep but I nodded anyway. "Cool, do you want help to the other room, everyone is already there."

I gave her another small nod and realized Alex had already left, Kara helped me get my feet on the floor before I stood, I would have fallen had it not been for Kara. We walked silently to the other room Kara holding on to the IV poll next to me which bugged me but I left it for now. In the room everyone was there including Lucian, I would have a lot he would have left by now. Kara helped me sit down in a chair before taking the seat next to me, placing the IV poll closer to her, she knew I would try to rip the damn thing out of my arm, she was smart.

"Hey Nezza, how are you feeling?" Lucian asked he was on my other side, and I gave him a small smile, to which he returned with his own.

"Ok, can we ask questions now?" This blue-looking man asked not rudely but I don't think he understands emotions. I gave him a nod and gestured with my not needle-filled arm for him and the others to go ahead.

"I need to hear it from you, Are you a Goddess?" I glared at Lucian knowing it was him who told, he wouldn't look at me. I looked at Alex and began to speak.

"Yes, I assume you know what of, but yes I am a Goddess." My voice was a little raspy but better than it was five minutes ago. I could hear all their thoughts at my comment, I wince a little forgetting how loud that noise would be. "Ok please stop thinking so damn loud I am still recovering and hearing your thoughts yell your disbelief is not needed."

I don't think they knew I could read minds due to the shock that was settling on their faces. I let out a small laugh at their faces and one person's louder thought 'Oh crap think of unicorns'.

"You can read minds! Ok, next question what are your powers?" Kara's face held a small blush as she realized I could hear her thoughts, but she didn't know that hers were the only ones I ignored for fear of being hurt.

"Well one thinking of unicorns won't stop me from hearing your thoughts," Nia blushed at being pointed out. "Two I have telekinetic abilities which come with telekinesis and a bunch of other things, telepathic abilities you know mind reading, and mind control, teleportation which you have seen, I am immortal but I am not invulnerable which means I can still be hurt I just won't die," Trust me I tried. "then there's invisibility and lastly shapeshifting. I can shift into any animal real or mystical, Doing other people is harder, which is why I don't do it I also find it creepy and will only do it if it is absolutely necessary, I can however change the way I look with glammor's I can't cover everything, but scars and one other thing I cover with glammors." I cover my horn with glammors but they don't need to know that.

"Ok last question, are you going to try and take over the world or hurt us or you know just be evil." I looked at everyone then back at Kara and shook my head.

"No, I want to prove my father wrong. I am not cursed and will not be evil, he was wrong about me, but he was also afraid of me." Kara's face held a small smile and so did my brothers. He chose this moment to stand up and probably head home.

"I am gonna go Nezza, everyone here," he looked around his face becoming serious. "Don't hurt her, and good luck with her she can be really annoying," I smacked him and glared all he did was shrug. "It's true, anyways goodbye, Nezza if you need me you know how to call me. And two I gave them your meds, and will make sure you take them." With that he left, Everyone went to do whatever they did during the day and Kara stayed sitting with me as Alex came over to me.

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