Chapter 1: Darkness Is Her Name

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Welcome to my new story please enjoy this

TW: none 


Nerezza's POV

I grew up with the Gods but they never wanted me. I was sent away when I was old enough to pass for an adult on earth, but I never knew that meant never seeing my family again and moving to new places so often. Nor did I think that I would be here in Cat Grant's office with no Kara for once being told to cover the story of Supergirl's disappearance, but now I am here and I just want to go home for the first time in almost a millennia.

"Anyways Neira I need you to finish this by tomorrow and if not the article is Kara's if she shows up." That's when I leave, not to work but to find the girl of Steel and Kara. I may not enjoy her snarkiness towards me but I still like her a lot and if she ever found out then I might have to find someone who can kill gods. Once I had made it out of work and to my apartment which after moving I realized was right next to Kara, I flopped down on my bed and just listened to everything to see if I could hear her voice. I did but not from where I was thinking to hear her voice, it came from Kara's apartment, why would she- WAIT she is supergirl damn I am dumb sometimes of course the girl who hates my guts at work would also hate me for helping her in being a hero.

I get up and walk across to her apartment and knock, taking a deep breath before she opens the door, hoping she won't yell at me or throw me out her window.

"What are you doing here Nerezza? Did you need something or are you coming to brag about a new article Cat gave you?" Now I would normally say something snarky back but today I wasn't here to deal with her jealousy.

"I came here because no one knew where supergirl was and Cat told me to find her, or well you, I guess." At that moment she dragged me into her apartment and shut the door.

"How do you know?" This time I wasn't listening I was looking at the other girl in the room who was holding a gun towards me, and though I may be immortal I am not invulnerable, and bullets hurt a lot. So I stood there frozen before Kara spoke again. "Alex put the gun down, Nerezza answer my question now."

"Umm." I can't tell her superhearing or the fact that I can read her mind, so I have no idea what to tell her, how do I know?

"Well speak." Now it was the other girl, Alex who spoke, still holding the gun just not pointing it at me.

"I have to go now. Bye." With that, I rush through the door before Kara can stop me and run into my apartment closing the door and locking it. I quickly change as I hear them at my door, putting my suit on knowing any minute Kara would be coming after me. So I jump out the window and fly shifting quickly to a raven and flying away not far but a place where I should be safe for a little, that is if the superfriends don't come looking for me again, I now know that they want to hunt me down to see if I am a threat, as well as know who I am but now that I found out Kara I don't think it will take long for her to find out me and then hunt me down.

"Nerezza what did you do that made you come here, to me." Lucian, my brother not biological but he did have powers like me but that's cause he is alien. He can also be a bit of an a-hole but I still love him, sometimes.

"Umm, imayhavefoundoutthatKaramyrivalissupergirlandhersisterwasthereandheldagunupandtheybothgotmadsoiranandleft, and now I am here," I spoke so fast that he came over and held on to me before I collapsed from lack of air or a panic attack, which I was definitely about to have.

"I have no idea what you just said so sit and repeat that but 30 times slower" He sat me down in a chair nearby and I took a breath before starting over.

"I was sent by Cat to find Supergirl and write an article explaining where she was, so when I got home, I sat down and did my normal listening for her voice and heartbeat. When I found it was coming from Kara, my rival's apartment, I then realized she was Supergirl and went over to her apartment to you know question her. But when I got there and told her I knew she pulled me inside and shut the door to where she asked me how I knew but I couldn't answer because her sister Alex was there and she was holding up a gun and, yeah I know I can't die but still I was terrified, so Kara repeated the question and told Alex to put the gun down but I can't tell her I heard her through the wall so I ran out and changed, then flew out the window and well now I am here so, yeah, and I am almost positive they are trying to hunt me down." I took a big breath once I finished and wanted to curl up into a ball when I realized how dumb that was and now I would have to either move to Antarctica or never show my face again as either me or Black Bird.

"Wow, so what your saying is you royally fucked up." he handed me a glass of water as I glared at him for not being helpful and just making fun of me.

"Jerk, but yes, and big time. Now help me, please. I have no idea what to do." He looked at me before kneeling in front of me and holding my hand which was very clearly shaking.

"What you need to do is not stop whatever you normally do, go to work, write, go out and save people, and whatever else, Don't let her get to you and stand up taller. You are just as strong as her and if she tries something well then you call me you know how and I will be there." He was right as much as I hated it he was, If I left or disappeared people would know and he would protect me, I was just terrified.

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