August grit his teeth in pain, he glares at the arrogant visage of the prince, looking at him like he was trash.

"You think I'm going faster don't you? How stupid. Since the start, my speed has been the same, it is you who is going slow, and for me right now, it looks like your standing still." The prince explained as his voice carried that egotistical tone he has. "Chilling touch, appropriate name really, and since its effect is slow, your mind wouldn't be able to see it taking place. HAHAHA!!! HOW AMAZING IS THAT?!! Your mind is actually tricking you since it won't notice it, tricking you into believing that I'm moving faster and faster!"

He then held his stomach in mad laughter. "And before you realize what's even happening. It will already be too late."

August's face remained stone like, his eyes still glared at the prince.

"You understand now don't you? No matter what you do, you can't win here. You've already been caught in my trap!" he chuckled, and over time it grew into a maniacal laugh. "I'm telling you this because it's already too late for you! HAHAHA!!! ALL YOU CAN DO IS ACCEPT YOU DEMISE!!!"

"You talk to much!" August charge, his mana screaming in rage as it clings into his body and his spear, a blood like crimson glow emanating and radiating in his wake, lining up as he moves, a crimson line following him as he charged. His purpose, still the same, a singular goal to cut the prince down.


"FOOL!" Heracles slammed the table in anger. "The prince explained his skill, the principal behind his advantage, yet August like an idiot still went in head first without even thinking of a plan!"

His hand cracking the table with his strength, the drinks and food flying in the air. "I'm gonna kill that boy!"

"Control yourself Heracles!" Athena who as usual is sitting with Heracles, Hestia, and Buddha, reprimanded the god of strength. "You're the one spouting earlier about him letting his emotions run amok, yet look at you now!"

Hestia has this analyzing look on her face as she watches the match, keeping her eyes glued at August's, something that if the others saw would illicit jokes and teasing in any other time. "Somethings clearly off with August." She mutters. 'Must be because of what happened last night.'

"I wouldn't worry though" Buddha said while he chugs a mug of ale. "We all know the boy's strength. He'll pull thru."

Heracles snarls. "Not with how the way he's fighting!"

"And as I said, I wouldn't worry, put some trust in August, he's your child after all. And look at his eyes, is that the eyes of someone who accepts defeat?" Buddha shrugs as he went back on filling himself up with the snacks on the table.

Heracles took a deep breath, he returned his focus back on the match, he made a mental note to beat the shit out of August later for neglecting his teaching about controlling his emotions.


August slashed without any regard for defense, he was still moving smoothly thou, showing his skill with the spear.

Yet the prince was unimpressed, he bobbed and weaved, moving out if harms way before the spear even got close to him. He counter by sending a baraged of sword strikes, cutting August flesh. Right now, he's toying with him, his idea was killing August with a thousand small cuts.

With a frustrated grunt, August roared, sending a powerful, yet telegraph stab at the prince's direction, beaming straight for his neck.

Seeing this, Marius smiles deepen, he prematurely ends his barrage to deliver a more precise slice. Moving his weapon to the left, he slashed horizontally, right at August's chest.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now