random conversations

406 9 2

Warnings: swearing

This is basically a chapter that I'll randomly add to

Everything will be super short (200 words max)



The team had just finished up a raid and were waiting by black Betty for Hondo when some random woman slipped past the tape and walked up to them

"Excuse me?" She said, tapping g Streets arm to get his attention "this is kinda weird but I just have to ask, are you seeing anyone?"

Street looked at her for a moment before responding

"Like a therapist or a hallucination?" He asked her to specify

"What?" She gave him a weird look "I mean dating but never mind, dumbass"

She walked away after that

Street looked back at the other who were all laughing at least a little

He shrugged and they went back to their conversation


"I told you I'm fine, why do you keep asking?" Street asked his brother figure

"Cause you just had ten cups of coffee in less than fifteen minutes" Luca reminded

"What, are you monitoring me now?" Street joked

"Yes!" Luca exclaimed "yes, I am"

"Oh.. Well... I'm fine" Street repeated

"Dude... " Luca shook his head at him


Luca was sitting on the couch, scrolling through Twitter when he looked up and saw Street leaving

"Where are you going?" He asked

"Hell, most likely" Street answered with a slight shrug

Luca sighed and got up

"I'm coming with"

Street smiled and walked out, Luca following

Walmart... They were going to Walmart


"I don't remember ever raising you like this" Karen said to her son


Street glanced at Luca who shrugged

"I barely remember you raising me at all" Street responded

Karen gasped dramatically, putting her hand over her heart

"How dare you?!" She basically shrieked

Street shrugged once more before walking away with his brother


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