
880 10 0

Warning: swearing, injury, assholes

Contact names;

Luca: big bro💚

Hondo: boss man

Chris: big sis<3

Tan: worlds best friend ❤

Deacon: father🧡


'Go get the snacks' he said

'It'll be fine' he said

'It's 3 blocks away' he said

Luca can fuck off

These were Streets internal thoughts as he struggled to grab his phone out of his pocket

It took him almost 5 minutes but he got it out and immediately opened it


I fucking hate you sometimes

Big bro💚:
What the hell happened?

You fucking cursed my 3 block walk

I need you to come get me now because I'm bleeding the fuck out on the sidewalk

Big bro💚:

What the fuck happened?!

I'm on my way

Did you call an ambulance?


My phone is about to fucking die

Figured you would get here faster

Big bro💚:
Well you aren't wrong

Almost there

Where are you bleeding?

Well I was shot in the leg and the shoulder and stabbed in the stomach

Big bro💚:

Anything else?

I'm just about there

That's everything

I'm covering the stab wound on my stomach but my shoulder and leg are bleeding pretty badly

And this fucking hurts

Big bro💚:
I would imagine

Where are you exactly?

In front of Murphys

Big bro💚:
Ok, I see you


Luca pulled up to the curb and rushed out to Street who was leaning against a building and pressing his hand over his bleeding stomach

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